military unit consisting of several platoons
1) to command a ~ (a captain commands a ~)
2) to deploy; form a ~
3) a cannon; headquarters; infantry ~
4) to keep (smb.) ~; to seek smb.'s ~
5) to part ~ with
6) (good) ~ for (the children were good ~ for us)
7) to have; invite ~ (we enjoy having ~)
gathering of persons
8) to keep ~ with
9) mixed ~ (don't use that word in mixed ~)
10) ( colloq. ) bad, fast ~ ('reckless, wild associates') (he runs around in/with fast ~)
11) present ~ ('those present') (present ~ excepted)
12) in ~ (to behave appropriately in ~; in ~ with smb.)
13) to manage, operate, run a ~
14) to establish, form a ~
15) a finance; holding; insurance; investment; joint-stock; shipping; transport ( esp. BE ), transportation ~
16) an opera; repertory ( esp. BE ), stock ( AE ); theatrical ~
17) ( BE ) a (public) limited ~ ( AE prefers corporation )
18) a ~ fails, goes bankrupt
fire-fighting unit
19) an engine, hose; ladder ~