Англо-русский перевод GO ON

а> (упорно) продолжать, идти дальше The police examined the cars and then allowed them to go on. б> длиться; for going on a year - в течение года в> _собир. придираться, спорить г> вести себя Now that our quarrel is over, can we go on as we did before? I can't go on like this, I've got to get help. д> продолжать что-л. (особ. после перерыва) Do go on, I am listening. When you've finished those questions, go on to page 41. Why have you stopped? Go on with your work! е> спешить Go on! There isn't a moment to lose! ж> продолжать разговор How she does go on? Don 't keep going on so, we've all heard your story before. з> иметь место; случаться There's a wedding going on at the church. A crowd gathered to see what was going on. и> выключаться (об электричестве) The street lights go on when it gets dark and go off at midnight. к> развиваться How is your work going on? It's going on nicely, thank you. л> поддерживать дружеские отношения с кем-л. We all go on well with each other here in the school. м> выходить на сцену или спортивную площадку I was so nervous when I went on.

English-Russian Muller's dictionary 24 edition.      Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера 24 редакция.