1. _n. 1> приговор; to pass a sentence upon smb. - выносить приговор кому-л.; to serve one's sentence - отбывать срок наказания 2> _грам. предложение 3> _уст. сентенция, изречение _Syn: condemn, convict, doom _Ant: exonerate, free, liberate 2. _v. 1> осуждать, приговаривать; Murderers are still sentenced to death in some parts of the world. 2> обречь; Many fine old houses in the city are being sentenced to destruction. _Syn: condemn, convict, doom _Ant: exonerate, free, liberate
Англо-русский перевод SENTENCE
English-Russian Muller's dictionary 24 edition. Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера 24 редакция. 2012