Meaning of IN THE CLEAR in English

adj. phr. 1. Free of anything that makes moving or seeing difficult; with nothing to limit action. The plane climbed above the clouds and was flying in the clear. Jack passed the ball to Tim, who was in the clear and ran for a touchdown. 2. informal Free of blame or suspicion; not thought to be guilty. After John told the principal that he broke the window, Martin was in the clear. Steve was the last to leave the locker room, and the boys suspected him of stealing Tom's watch, but the coach found the watch and put Steve in the clear. 3. Free of debt; not owing money to anyone. Bob borrowed a thousand dollars from his father to start his business, but at the end of the first year he was in the clear.

Synonym: IN THE BLACK.

American idioms English vocabulary.      Английский словарь американских идиом.