n. Function: verb
1 to produce a current of air on FF1C; let the wind blow your hair dry FF1E;
Synonyms: fan, ruffle, wind, winnow
Synonyms: BOAST , brag, cock-a-doodle-doo, crow, gasconade, mouth, prate, puff, rodomontade, vaunt
Synonyms: PANT 1, gasp, heave, huff, ||pank, ||pegh, puff
Synonyms: WASTE 2, blunder (away), consume, dissipate, fool (away), fritter, frivol away, squander, throw away, trifle (away)
Synonyms: TREAT 3, set up, ||shout, stand
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Synonyms: BOTCH , bobble, bungle, flub, fumble, goof (up), louse up, mess, muff, ||screw (up)
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Synonyms: GO 2, depart, exit, get away, get off, leave, pull out, quit, retire, withdraw