Meaning of EVEN in English


Function: adverb

1 in a like manner FF1C; they can learn even as others do FF1E;

Synonyms: as well, exactly, expressly, just, precisely

2 at the very time FF1C; perhaps even now the moment has come to consider a retreat FF1E;

Synonyms: already

3 not this merely but also -- used as an intensive to emphasize the identity or character of something FF1C; a huge, even monstrous animal FF1E;

Synonyms: indeed, nay, truly, verily, yea

Related Words: absolutely, positively; quite, really

4 -- used as an intensive to indicate an extreme, hypothetical, or unlikely case or instance FF1C; refused even to look at her FF1E; FF1C; even if this were so, it should not change our plans FF1E;

Synonyms: so much as

Idioms: even so much as


Synonyms: YET 1, still

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.