Meaning of PART in English

n. Function: noun

1 something less than the whole to which it belongs FF1C; a part of the road was paved FF1E;

Synonyms: cut, division, member, moiety, parcel, piece, portion, section, segment

Related Words: component, constituent, element, ingredient; detail, fraction, fragment; bit, chip, scrap

Contrasted Words: aggregate, total; combination, complex; entirety, entity, totality, unity

Antonyms: whole


parts plural

Synonyms: GENITALIA , genitals, private parts, privates, privities, privy parts, pudendum ( usu pudenda pl ), secrets


Synonyms: RATION , allotment, allowance, apportionment, measure, meed, portion, quantum, quota, share


Synonyms: SHARE 1, allotment, allowance, bite, cut, lot, partage, portion, quota, slice

Related Words: chunk


Synonyms: SIDE 4

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.