n. 25B6; noun
he saw her shadow in the doorway : SILHOUETTE, outline, shape, contour, profile.
he emerged from the shadows : SHADE, darkness, twilight; gloom, murkiness; archaic umbrage.
the shadow of war : (BLACK) CLOUD, pall; gloom, blight; threat.
she knew without any shadow of doubt : TRACE, scrap, shred, crumb, iota, scintilla, jot, whit, grain; informal smidgen, smidge, tad.
a shadow of a smile : TRACE, hint, suggestion, suspicion, ghost, glimmer.
he's a shadow of his former self : INFERIOR VERSION, poor imitation, apology, travesty; remnant.
the dog became her shadow : CONSTANT COMPANION, alter ego, second self; close friend, bosom friend, fidus Achates; informal Siamese twin.
25B6; verb
the market is shadowed by the church : OVERSHADOW, shade; darken, dim.
he is shadowing a poacher : FOLLOW, trail, track, stalk, pursue, hunt; informal tail, keep tabs on.