n. 25B6; adjective
wet clothes : DAMP, moist, soaked, drenched, saturated, sopping, dripping, soggy; waterlogged, squelchy.
it was cold and wet : RAINY, raining, pouring, teeming, showery, drizzly, drizzling; damp.
the paint is still wet : STICKY, tacky; fresh.
a wet mortar mix : AQUEOUS, watery, sloppy.
(Brit. informal) the cadets were a bit wet : FEEBLE, silly, weak, foolish, inept, ineffectual, effete, soft, namby-pamby, timid, spiritless, cowardly, spineless; informal sissy, pathetic, drippy, wimpish, weedy, chicken; Brit. informal soppy.
dry, fine, brave.
25B6; verb wet the clothes before ironing them : DAMPEN, damp, moisten; sprinkle, spray, splash; soak, saturate, flood, douse, souse, drench.
25B6; noun
the wet of his tears : WETNESS, damp, moisture, moistness, sogginess; wateriness.
the race was held in the wet : RAIN, drizzle, precipitation; spray, dew, damp.
(Brit. informal) come on, don't be such a wet : NAMBY-PAMBY, weakling, milksop, Milquetoast, baby, coward; informal wimp, weed, drip, sissy, softie, chicken, scaredy-cat; Brit. informal big girl's blouse; N. Amer. informal pantywaist, pussy.