■ noun
1》 the side or part of an object that presents itself to view or that is normally seen or used first.
↘the position directly ahead.
↘the forward-facing part of a person's body.
2》 the foremost line or part of an armed force; the furthest position that an army has reached.
↘[often in names ] an organized political group: the Patriotic Front.
3》 Meteorology the boundary of an advancing mass of air, in particular the leading edge ( warm ~ ) or trailing edge ( cold ~ ) of the warm sector of a low-pressure system.
4》 a particular situation or sphere of operation: good news on the jobs ~.
5》 a deceptive appearance or mode of behaviour assumed by someone to conceal truth or genuine feelings.
↘a person or organization serving as a cover for subversive activities.
6》 boldness and confidence of manner.
■ adjective
1》 of or at the ~.
2》 Phonetics (of a vowel sound) formed by raising the tongue towards the hard palate.
■ verb
1》 have the ~ facing towards.
↘place or be placed at the ~ of.
2》 provide with a ~ or facing.
3》 lead or be at the fore~ of.
↘present or host (a television or radio programme).
4》 act as a ~ for.
5》 Phonetics articulate (a vowel sound) with the tongue further forward.
6》 (often ~ up ) Austral./NZ make an appearance; turn up.
↘ archaic or Austral./NZ con~.
~ of house Brit. the parts of a theatre in ~ of the proscenium arch.
↘the business of a theatre that concerns the audience, such as ticket sales.
in ~
1》 in a position just ahead or further forward.
2》 on the ~ part or side.
3》 ( in ~ of ) in the presence of.
out ~ chiefly N. Amer. at or to the ~; in ~.
~less adjective
~most adjective
~ward adjective & adverb
~wards adverb
ME: from OFr. ~ (n.), ~er (v.), from L. frons , ~- 'forehead, ~'.