( US honor )
■ noun
1》 great respect or esteem.
↘a feeling of pride and pleasure from being shown respect.
↘a source of esteem.
2》 a clear sense of what is morally right.
3》 a thing conferred as a distinction.
↘( ~s ) a special distinction for proficiency in an examination.
↘( ~s ) a course of degree studies more specialized than for an ordinary pass.
4》 ( His , Your , etc. Honour ) a title of respect for a circuit judge, a US mayor, and (in Irish or rustic speech) any person of rank.
5》 Golf the right of driving off first, having won the previous hole.
6》 dated a woman's chastity.
7》 Bridge an ace, king, queen, jack, or ten.
↘( ~s ) possession of at least four of these cards in the trump suit, or of all four aces in no trumps, for which a bonus is scored.
■ verb
1》 regard with great respect.
↘pay public respect to.
2》 bring esteem to (a place or event) with one's presence.
3》 fulfil (an obligation) or keep (an agreement).
↘accept (a bill) or pay (a cheque) when due.
do the ~s informal perform a social duty for others, especially serve food or drink.
~ bright Brit. dated on my ~.
~s are even Brit. there is equality in the contest.
in ~ of as an expression of respect for.
on one's ~ under a moral obligation.
on (or upon ) my ~ used to express sincerity.
ME: from OFr. onor (n.), onorer (v.), from L. honos , honor .