~ 1
■ verb ( past wore ; past participle worn wɔ:n )
1》 have (something) on one's body or a part of one's body as clothing, decoration, or protection.
2》 exhibit or present (a particular facial expression or appearance).
3》 undergo or cause to undergo damage or destruction by friction or use.
↘form (a hole, path, etc.) in this way.
4》 withstand continued use to a specified degree: the fabric ~s well wash after wash.
5》 ( ~ off ) lose effectiveness or intensity.
6》 ( ~ someone/thing down ) overcome someone or something by persistence.
7》 ( ~ someone/thing out ) exhaust someone or something.
↘[as adjective ~ing ] mentally or physically tiring.
8》 [usu. with negative ] Brit. informal tolerate or accept.
9》 ( ~ on ) (of time) pass slowly or tediously.
10》 (of a ship) fly (a flag).
■ noun
1》 the action of ~ing or the state of being worn.
2》 clothing suitable for a particular purpose or of a particular type: evening ~.
3》 damage sustained from continuous use.
↘the capacity for withstanding such damage.
~ thin gradually dwindle or be used up.
~ability noun
~able adjective
~er noun
~ingly adverb
OE werian , of Gmc origin.
~ 2
■ verb ( past and past participle wore ) Sailing bring (a ship) about by turning its head away from the wind.
C17: of unknown origin.