< tool > (PCCTS) A highly integrated lexical analser generator and parser generator by Terence J. Parr parrt@acm.org , Will E. Cohen and Henry G. Dietz hankd@ecn.purdue.edu , both of Purdue University .
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) corresponds to YACC and DLG (DFA-based Lexical analyser Generator) functions like LEX . PCCTS has many additional features which make it easier to use for a wide range of translation problems. PCCTS grammars contain specifications for lexical and syntactic analysis with selective backtracking ("infinite lookahead"), semantic predicates , intermediate-form construction and error reporting. Rules may employ Extended BNF (EBNF) grammar constructs and may define parameters, return values, and have local variables .
Languages described in PCCTS are recognised via LLk parsers constructed in pure, human-readable, C code. Selective backtracking is available to handle non-LL(k) constructs. PCCTS parsers may be compiled with a C++ compiler. PCCTS also includes the SORCERER tree parser generator.
Current version: 1.10, runs under Unix , MS-DOS , OS/2 , and Macintosh and is very portable.
ftp://marvin.ecn.purdue.edu/pub/pccts/1.10 .
UK FTP . Macintosh FTP .
Mailing list: pccts-users-request@ahpcrc.umn.edu ("subscribe pccts-users your_name" in the message body).
E-mail: Terence J. Parr parrt@acm.org , Roberto Avanzi mocenigo@maya.dei.unipd.it (Mac port).