Meaning of HALF-TRUTH in English



Forbes' book on Bonham is littered with half-truths, and, in some cases, outright lies.

McCarthy's blend of half-truths and lies ruined many careers in government and the professions.

The article is full of lies and half-truths.


As more than half the population do not pay income tax this is at best only a half-truth .

As was the case a century ago, each side of this argument is articulating an important half-truth .

He loved to use gossip, half-truths, and lies to separate friends and to destroy relationships.

If we go back now, we will go back with only half-truths.

They are fiercely secretive and of their own choice inhabit a dim world of ambiguity and half-truths.

Those who do not will remain awash in half-truths, outright deceptions and fraud.

Unsubstantiated half-truths and distortions of fact cause unnecessary argument and are an inefficient use of people's time.

You risk hugely compounding the problem by getting caught in half-truths.

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