Meaning of PIECE in English

piece BrE AmE piːs (= peace) —but in French phrases also pi ˈes, pɪəs —French pièce [ pjɛs ]

▷ pieced piːst

▷ pieces ˈpiːs ɪz -əz

▷ piecing ˈpiːs ɪŋ —see also phrases with this word

▶ ˌ piece of ˈ cake BrE AmE

▶ ˌ pieces of ˈ eight BrE AmE

▶ ˌ piece of ˈ work BrE AmE

▶ ˈ piece rate BrE AmE

Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary.      Английский словарь произношений Longman.