Function: verb
Inflected Form: dealt \ ' delt \ ; deal · ing \ ' d ē -li ŋ \
Date: before 12th century
transitive verb
1 a : to give as one's portion : APPORTION <tried to deal justice to all> < dealt out three sandwiches apiece> b : to distribute (playing cards) to players in a game
2 : ADMINISTER , DELIVER < dealt him a blow>
3 a : SELL < deal s drugs> b : TRADE < deal a player to another team>
intransitive verb
1 : to distribute the cards in a card game
2 : to concern oneself or itself <the book deal s with education>
3 a : to engage in bargaining : TRADE b : to sell or distribute something as a business < deal in insurance>
4 a : to take action with regard to someone or something < deal with an offender> b : to reach or try to reach a state of acceptance or reconcilement <trying to deal with her son's death>
synonyms see DISTRIBUTE
– deal · er \ ' d ē -l ə r \ noun