Meaning of DEAL in English

[deal] n [ME deel, fr. OE dael; akin to OE dal division, portion, OHG teil part] (bef. 12c) 1 obs: part, portion

2: a usu. large or indefinite quantity or degree "a great ~ of support" "a good ~ faster" 3 a: the act or right of distributing cards to players in a card game b: hand 9b

[2]deal vb dealt ; vt (bef. 12c) 1 a: to give as one's portion: apportion "tried to ~ justice to all" "dealt out three sandwiches apiece" b: to distribute (playing cards) to players in a game

2: administer, deliver "dealt him a blow"

3: sell "~s marijuana" ~ vi 1: to distribute the cards in a card game

2: to concern oneself or itself "the book ~s with education" 3 a: to engage in bargaining: trade b: to sell or distribute something as a business "~ in insurance"

4. a: to take action with regard to someone or something "~ with an offender" b: to reach or try to reach a state of acceptance or reconcilement "trying to ~ with her son's death" syn see distribute -- n [3]deal n (15c) 1 a: an act of dealing: transaction b: bargain

2: package deal

3: treatment received "a dirty ~"

4: an arrangement for mutual advantage

5: affair

2. "dinner was an informal ~" [4]deal n [ME dele, fr. MD or MLG, plank; akin to OHG dili plank--more at thill] (14c) 1 a Brit: a board of fir or pine b: sawed yellow-pine lumber nine inches (22.5 centimeters) or wider and three, four, or five inches (7.6 to 12.4 centimeters) thick

2: pine or fir wood -- deal adj

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