Pronunciation: ' pu ̇ t
Function: verb
Inflected Form: put ; put · ting
Etymology: Middle English putten; akin to Old English putung instigation, Middle Dutch poten to plant
Date: 12th century
transitive verb
1 a : to place in a specified position or relationship : LAY < put the book on the table> b : to move in a specified direction c (1) : to send (as a weapon or missile) into or through something : THRUST (2) : to throw with an overhand pushing motion < put the shot> d : to bring into a specified state or condition <a reapportionment ⋯ that was put into effect at the September primaries ― Current Biog. > e : to prescribe a specified regimen for ― usually used with on < put her on medication> < put him on a diet>
2 a : to cause to endure or suffer something : SUBJECT < put traitors to death> b : IMPOSE , INFLICT < put a special tax on luxuries>
3 a : to set before one for judgment or decision < put the question> b : to call for a formal vote on < put the motion>
4 a (1) : to convey into another form <want to put my feelings into words> (2) : to translate into another language or style < put the poem into English> (3) : ADAPT <lyrics put to music> b : EXPRESS , STATE < putting it mildly>
5 a : to devote (oneself) to an activity or end < put himself to winning back their confidence> b : APPLY < put her mind to the problem> c : ASSIGN < put them to work> d : to cause to perform an action : URGE < put the horse over the fence> e : IMPEL , INCITE < put them into a frenzy>
6 a : REPOSE , REST < put s his faith in reason> b : INVEST 1 < put her money in the company>
7 a : to give as an estimate < put the time as about eleven> b : ATTACH , ATTRIBUTE < put s a high value on their friendship> c : IMPUTE < put the blame on the partners>
8 : BET , WAGER < put $2 on the favorite>
intransitive verb
1 : to start in motion : GO especially : to leave in a hurry
2 of a ship : to take a specified course < put down the river>
– put forth
1 a : ASSERT , PROPOSE b : to make public : ISSUE
2 : to bring into action : EXERT
3 : to produce or send out by growth < put forth leaves>
4 : to start out
– put forward : PROPOSE < put forward a theory>
– put in mind : REMIND
– put one's finger on : IDENTIFY < put his finger on the cause of the trouble>
– put one's foot down : to take a firm stand
– put one's foot in one's mouth : to make a tactless or embarrassing blunder
– put paid to
chiefly British : to finish off : bring an end to
– put the arm on or put the bite on : to ask for money
– put the finger on : to inform on < put the finger on ⋯ heroin pushers ― Barrie Zwicker>
– put the make on : to make sexual advances toward
– put to bed : to make the final preparations for printing (as a newspaper)
– put together
1 : to create as a unified whole : CONSTRUCT
– put to it : to give difficulty to : press hard <had been put to it to keep up>