Meaning of SQUARE in English


Function: verb

Inflected Form: squared ; squar · ing

Date: 14th century

transitive verb

1 a : to make square or rectangular < square a building stone> b : to test for deviation from a right angle, straight line, or plane surface

2 : to bring approximately to a right angle < squared his shoulders>

3 a : to multiply (a number) by itself : raise to the second power b : to find a square equal in area to < square a circle>

4 : to regulate or adjust by or to some standard or principle < square our actions by the opinions of others ― John Milton>

5 a : BALANCE , SETTLE < square an account> b : to even the score of

6 : to mark off into squares

7 a : to set right : bring into agreement < squared their goals with their beliefs> b : BRIBE , FIX

intransitive verb

1 : to agree precisely : CORRESPOND <your actions should square with your words>

2 : to settle matters especially : to pay the bill

– squar · er noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.