Meaning of GROSS in English

[gross] adj [ME, fr. MF gros thick, coarse, fr. L grossus] (14c) 1 a archaic: immediately obvious b (1): glaringly noticeable usu. because of inexcusable badness or objectionableness "~ error" (2): out-and-out, utter "~ injustice" c: visible without the aid of a microscope

2. a: big, bulky; esp: excessively fat b: growing or spreading with excessive luxuriance 3 a: of, relating to, or dealing with general aspects or broad distinctions b: consisting of an overall total exclusive of deductions "~ income"--compare net

4: made up of material or perceptible elements

5. archaic: not fastidious in taste: undiscriminating

6. a: coarse in nature or behavior: unrefined b: gravely deficient in civility or decency: crudely vulgar "merely ~, a scatological rather than a pornographic impropriety --Aldous Huxley" c slang: inspiring disgust or distaste "that sandwich looks ~" 7: deficient in knowledge: ignorant, untutored syn see coarse, flagrant -- adv -- gross.ness n

[2]gross n (1579) 1 obs: amount, sum

2: overall total exclusive of deductions [3]gross vt (1884): to earn or bring in (an overall total) exclusive of deductions (as for taxes or expenses) -- n [4]gross n, pl gross [ME groce, fr. MF grosse, fr. fem. of gros] (14c): an aggregate of 12 dozen things "a ~ of pencils"

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