Meaning of SPRAY in English

[spray] n [ME] (13c) 1: a usu. flowering branch or shoot

2: a decorative flat arrangement of flowers and foliage (as on a coffin)

3: something (as a jeweled pin) resembling a spray

[2]spray n [obs. E spray to sprinkle, fr. MD sprayen] (1621) 1: water flying in small drops or particles blown from waves or thrown up by a waterfall

2. a: a jet of vapor or finely divided liquid b: a device (as an atomizer or sprayer) by which a spray is dispersed or applied c (1): an application of a spray or by spraying (2): a substance (as paint) so applied [3]spray vt (1829) 1: to disperse or apply as a spray

2: to project spray on or into ~ vi 1: to break up into spray

2: to disperse or apply a spray

3: to emit a stream or spray of urine "a cat may ~ to mark its territory" -- spray.er n

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