Synonyms and related words :
Agnus Dei, Calvary cross, Cape Colored, Christogram, Eurasian, Greek cross, Holy Grail, Host, Jerusalem cross, John Hancock, Latin cross, Malacca cane, Maltese cross, Russian cross, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, T, X, abjure, achievement, across, across the grain, adversary, adversative, adverse, adverse circumstances, adversity, affliction, against the grain, against the tide, against the wind, aggravation, alerion, alien, alpenstock, angered, angry, animal charge, ankh, annoyance, annoyed, annulet, antagonistic, antagonize, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, arch, argent, ark, armorial bearings, armory, arms, asperger, asperges, aspergillum, assert the contrary, at cross-purposes, at daggers, at daggers drawn, at issue, at loggerheads, at odds, at variance, at war, at war with, athwart, athwartships, autograph, avellan cross, ax, azure, badge, badge of office, badges, baffle, balk, bambino, bandeau, bar, bar sinister, barrow, bastard, baton, be antipathetic, be at cross-purposes, be contrary to, be inimical, beadroll, beads, bearings, bearish, beat against, belie, bend, bend sinister, bestride, bilk, billet, bitchy, bitter cup, bitter draft, bitter draught, bitter pill, blast, blazon, blazonry, blend, bless, blight, block, boat, bordure, boundary stone, brass, brassard, brave, broad arrow, browned-off, bummer, burden, burden of care, burthen, bust, button, bypass, cadency mark, cairn, call into question, calvary, cancel, candle, cane, cankered, cankerworm of care, canoe, cantankerous, canton, cap and gown, captious, care, cargo, carping, carry sail, cast down, cattalo, caviling, cenotaph, censer, chain, chain of office, challenge, chaplet, charge, checkmate, chevron, chi, chi-rho, chiasmal, chiasmic, chiastic, chief, choleric, christcross, churlish, ciborium, cipher, circumnavigate, circumvent, citrange, clash, clashing, class ring, coast, coat of arms, cockade, cockatrice, collar, collide, column, combination, competitive, con, conflict, conflict with, conflicting, confound, confront, confute, contest, contra, contradict, contradictory, contrapose, contrariwise, contrary, contravene, contrawise, controvert, coronet, counter, counteract, counterattack, countermand, countermark, counterpose, countersign, countersignature, counterstamp, countervail, counterwork, crabbed, cranky, crescent, crest, crisscross, cromlech, crook, crosier, cross ancre, cross botonee, cross bourdonee, cross fitche, cross fleury, cross formee, cross fourchee, cross grignolee, cross moline, cross of Cleves, cross of Lorraine, cross patee, cross recercelee, cross-crosslet, cross-grained, cross-shaped, cross-staff, crossbar, crossbones, crossbred, crossbreed, crosscut, crossed, crossing, crosslet, crosslike, crossway, crossways, crosswise, crotchety, crown, crown of thorns, cruciate, crucible, cruciferous, crucifix, cruciform, cruet, cruise, crusty, crutch, crutch-stick, crux, crux ansata, crux capitata, crux decussata, crux gammata, crux immissa, crux ordinaria, cumbrance, cup, curse, cussed, cut across, cyclolith, dagger, dash, deadweight, death chair, death chamber, decoration, decussate, decussated, defeat, defeat expectation, defy, delete, deny, destroy, device, difference, differencing, differing, difficulties, difficulty, disaccordant, disadvantage, disaffirm, disagreeable, disagreeing, disallow, disappoint, disavow, disclaim, discomfit, disconcert, discordant, discountenance, discrepant, dish, disharmonious, disillusion, disown, disproportionate, disprove, dispute, disrupt, dissatisfy, dissentient, dissident, dissonant, distress, divergent, dolmen, double-cross, downer, dress, drop, eagle, electric chair, elude, embarrassment, emblems, encumbrance, endorsement, enemy, ensigns, erase, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, eucharistial, ex, excitable, exing, eyeball-to-eyeball, falcon, fasces, faultfinding, feisty, fess, fess point, field, figurehead, file, flanch, fleur-de-lis, flummox, foil, footstone, ford, fork cross, forswear, fractious, freight, fret, frustrate, fur, furious, fusil, gainsay, gall, gall and wormwood, gallows, gallows-tree, gammadion, garland, gas chamber, get ahead of, gibbet, give benediction, go across, go against, go by, go by ship, go counter to, go on shipboard, go to sea, grating, grave, gravestone, grievance, griffe, griffin, grouchy, grumpy, guillotine, gules, gyron, half blood, half-bred, half-breed, half-caste, halter, hammer and sickle, hamper, hand, handicap, handstaff, hard knocks, hard life, hard lot, hardcase, hardship, hatchment, headstone, helmet, hemp, hempen collar, heraldic device, heraldry, high yellow, hinny, hoarstone, holy cross, holy water, holy-water sprinkler, honor point, hostile, hot seat, huffish, huffy, hybrid, hybridize, icon, immiscible, impalement, impaling, impediment, impedimenta, imposition, impugn, in confrontation, in hostile array, in opposition, inaccordant, incensed, incensory, incompatible, inconvenience, indignant, inescutcheon, infliction, inharmonious, inimical, initials, inscription, insignia, interbred, interbreed, intercross, interfere with, intersect, intersected, intersecting, inverted cross, invoke benefits upon, irascible, irate, ireful, irritable, irritated, irritation, jangling, jarring, join, join issue upon, join the opposition, label, ladino, lapel pin, lay hands on, let down, lethal chamber, lie across, lie athwart, liger, lion, lituus, livery, livid, load, lock horns, long cross, lozenge, lumber, mace, mad, maiden, make a passage, mantle, mantling, mark, mark of signature, marker, markings, marshaling, martlet, mascle, matzo, mausoleum, mean, medal, meet, meet head-on, megalith, memento, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, menhir, menorah, mestee, mestiza, mestizo, metal, metis, metisse, mezuzah, mikvah, militate against, miscegenate, mixblood, mixed-blood, mongrel, mongrelize, monogram, monolith, monstrance, monument, moody, mortarboard, motorboat, motto, mound, mulatto, mule, mullet, mustee, navigate, necrology, negate, negative, nombril point, noncooperative, nonplus, noose, not abide, not accept, not admit, nullify, obelisk, obituary, oblique, obliquely, obstinate, octofoil, octoroon, old school tie, onus, opponent, oppose, opposed, opposing, opposite, oppositional, oppositive, oppression, oppugn, oppugnant, or, ordeal, ordinary, orle, ornery, osculatory, ostensorium, out of accord, out of whack, over, overstride, overthwart, pack, pack of troubles, pale, paly, papal cross, paschal candle, pass, pass by, pass over, pastoral staff, paterissa, pax, pean, peck of troubles, pectoral cross, peevish, penalty, perplex, perverse, pettish, petulant, pheon, phylacteries, pillar, pin, piqued, pissed, pissed-off, plaque, play at cross-purposes, plight, plumcot, ply, potent cross, prayer shawl, prayer wheel, predicament, pressure, prize, protest, purpure, pyramid, pyx, quadroon, quarter, quartering, quarterstaff, querulous, quick-tempered, quintroon, ratty, rebut, recalcitrant, recant, refractory, refuse to admit, refute, regalia, reject, relics, reliquary, remembrance, renounce, repudiate, repugnant, resist, retract, revoke, ribbon, rigor, riled up, ring, rival, rood, rope, rosary, rose, rostral column, row, rub out, ruin, run, run against, run counter to, sable, sabotage, sacred relics, sacring bell, sail, sail round, sail the sea, saltire, sambo, scaffold, school ring, scotch, scull, scutcheon, sea of troubles, seafare, seal, secant, sell, sell out, shaft, shamrock, shield, shillelagh, shirty, shofar, shoot ahead of, short-tempered, shrine, sideways, sidewise, sigil, sigillography, sign manual, signature, signet, skull and crossbones, snappish, sore, sorrow, span, sphragistics, spike, spiteful, spleeny, splenetic, split, spoil, spread eagle, staff, stake, stave, steam, steamboat, stela, step over, stick, stone, stonewall, straddle, stress, stress of life, strike out, stump, stupa, subordinary, subscription, sukkah, surly, swagger stick, swanking stick, swastika, swim upstream, tabernacle, tablet, take a voyage, take back, take issue with, tallith, tangelo, tantalize, tartan, tau, tease, tenne, testimonial, testy, tetchy, the chair, thistle, thorn, thurible, thwart, thwartly, thwartways, ticked off, tie, tigon, tincture, tomb, tombstone, tope, torse, touchy, transversal, transverse, transversely, traverse, tree, trefled cross, tressure, trial, tribulation, trophy, trouble, troubles, ugly, uncongenial, uncooperative, unfavorable, unfriendly, unharmonious, unicorn, uniform, unpropitious, up in arms, upset, urceole, vair, vale of tears, variant, verge, veronica, vert, vexed, vicissitude, vigil light, visa, vise, visitation, voided cross, vote against, votive candle, voyage, walking stick, wand, waspish, waters of bitterness, weight, white elephant, wipe out, with crossed bayonets, withstand, woe, work against, worked up, wrathful, wrathy, wreath, wroth, wrought-up, x-shaped, yacht, yale, zebrass, zebrule