Synonyms and related words :
accomplish, act toward, administer, aim, air, alibi, analyze, apology, appellation, appellative, apply, be in, be responsible for, bed, bed down, behave toward, bestow, bilge, binomen, binomial name, blain, bleb, blind, blister, blob, boss, bow, brandish, break, bridle, brush, bubble, bulb, bulge, bulla, bump, bunch, burl, button, buy and sell, byname, byword, cahot, call the signals, canvass, captain, care for, caress, carry, carry on, carry out, carry through, chart a course, chine, cloak, clump, cognomen, color, come in contact, command, comment upon, complete, cond, conduct, condyle, conn, consider, contend with, control, controvert, convex, cope with, cover, cover story, cover-up, coxswain, criticize, cryptonym, curry, currycomb, deal by, deal in, deal with, debate, deliberate, deliberate upon, denomination, descant, designation, device, direct, discharge, discourse, discourse about, discuss, dispatch, dispense, dispose of, dissert, dissertate, do by, do with, dominate, dowel, drench, drive, ear, employ, empty title, enact, engineer, epithet, eponym, euonym, examine, exchange views, excuse, execute, exercise, exert, exploit, facade, feed, feel, feel of, feint, finger, flange, flap, flick, flourish, fodder, fondle, front, gall, gentle, gloss, gnarl, go into, govern, grasp, grip, groom, guide, guise, haft, harness, have the conn, head, head up, helm, helve, hill, hilt, hitch, hold, honor, honorific, hump, hunch, hyponym, inquire into, investigate, job, jog, joggle, knob, knock around, knot, knur, knurl, label, lame excuse, lay, lead, lead on, level, lip, litter, locus standi, loop, lump, make, make go, make the rules, make use of, manage, maneuver, manipulate, market, mask, mastermind, merchandise, milk, mole, moniker, mountain, name, namesake, navigate, nevus, nomen, nomen nudum, nub, nubbin, nubble, officer, operate, order, ostensible motive, oversee, palm, palpate, papilloma, pass under review, pat, paw, peg, perform, perform on, pilot, play, ply, point, poke at, poor excuse, practice, prescribe, pretense, pretension, pretext, prod, proper name, proper noun, protestation, public motive, pull the strings, put-off, quarterback, rap, reason, reason about, reason the point, refuge, regulate, remark upon, respond to, retail, review, rib, ridge, ring, rub down, run, saddle, scientific name, screen, secret name, see to, sell, semblance, serve, shake, sham, shape a course, shoulder, show, sift, skipper, smoke screen, sobriquet, spine, stalking-horse, steer, steward, stratagem, stud, study, style, subterfuge, supervise, survey, swing, tab, tackle, tag, take, take care of, take command, take the lead, take up, talk, talk about, talk of, talk over, tame, tap, tautonym, tend, test, thresh out, thumb, title, touch, touch upon, trade in, traffic in, train, transact, treat, treat of, trick, trinomen, trinomial name, try, tubercle, tubercule, twiddle, use, utilize, varnish, veil, ventilate, verruca, vesicle, wale, wart, water, wave, welt, wholesale, wield, work, write up, yoke