Synonyms and related words :
abrupt, absolute interest, accompaniment, actor, adjunct, after a fashion, airspace, alienate, allotment, allowance, alto, amount, anacrusis, antagonist, antihero, apportion, appreciably, appurtenance, area, arrangement, arrested, article, as for, as regards, aspect, at any rate, at best, at least, at most, at the least, at the most, at the outside, at worst, baritone, bass, bass passage, basso continuo, basso ostinato, bassus, batch, be lost, behalf, belt, benefit, big end, bigger half, bit, bit part, bite, bolt, book, bourdon, break up, bridge, broach, budget, bunch, burden, business, by, by and large, cadence, callow, canto, cantus, cantus figuratus, cantus planus, capacity, carve, carve up, cast, cast off, cast out, cause, cease to be, cease to live, census, chapter, character, chiefly, chink, chorus, chunk, circumstance, claim, clause, cleave, clutch, coda, coil, column, commission, common, comparatively, component, composition, condition, confines, constituent, constituents, content, contents, continental shelf, contingent, contingent interest, continuo, contralto, contribute to, copy, corner, corridor, count, country, crack, crevasse, cue, cut, cut adrift, cut off, cut open, cut out, cut up, deactivate, deal, debrief, decease, defective, deficient, delete, demob, demobilize, depart, depart this life, department, descant, destiny, detach, detail, detectably, development, die, disarticulate, disband, discharge, disconnect, disengage, disintegrate, disjoin, disjoint, dismiss, disorganize, dispart, dispel, disperse, dissociate, dissolve, district, disunite, divaricate, diverge, divide, divide into shares, divide up, divide with, dividend, division, divisions, divorce, divvy up, dole, dose, draft, drone, duty, easement, edition, eject, element, elements, embryonic, end, environs, equal share, equitable interest, equity, essentially, estate, estrange, expel, expire, exposition, faction, factor, failing, fairly, fall, fall asleep, fascicle, fat part, fate, feature, feeder, figure, figured bass, fissure, fixings, fly open, folderol, forgo, forsake, fractional, fragment, fragmentary, function, generally, give up, go, go away, go off, go out, go separate ways, gob, grant a divorce, grant an annulment, ground, ground bass, group, guts, half, halfway, halver, harmonic close, heap, heartland, heavy, helping, hero, heroine, hinterland, holding, hunk, hymnal, hymnbook, hypoplastic, immature, in a manner, in a way, in arrear, in arrears, in default, in part, in short supply, in some measure, in support of, in the main, inadequate, incise, incomplete, incompletely, index, infant, influence, ingenue, ingredient, ingredients, innards, insides, installment, instrumental score, integrant, interest, interlude, intermezzo, interspace, interval, introductory phrase, inventory, involvement, isolate, item, items, job, join in, keep apart, lacking, land, large amount, lay open, lead, lead role, leading lady, leading man, leading woman, leastwise, leave, let go, libretto, limitation, limited, line, lines, list, livraison, lot, lute tablature, mainly, make a space, makings, measure, meed, merely, mess, mildly, milieu, missing, moderately, modestly, modicum, moiety, mostly, movement, music, music paper, music roll, musical notation, musical phrase, musical score, musical sentence, muster out, needing, neighborhood, not comprehensively, not exhaustively, notation, number, obtain a divorce, office, offshore rights, on the whole, one-and-a-half, only, ope, open, open up, opera, opera score, orchestral score, ornament, pack, paragraph, parcel, part and parcel, part company, part with, partake of, partial, partially, participate in, participation, partition, partly, parts, party, pass, pass away, pass on, pass over, passage, patchy, percentage, period, perish, person, personage, phrase, piano score, piece, place, plain chant, plain song, portion, position, precincts, premises, prick song, principally, pro tanto, proportion, protagonist, province, pull apart, pull away, pull back, pull out, purely, purlieus, put apart, put asunder, put away, put off mortality, quality, quantity, quantum, quarter, quit this world, quota, rake-off, ration, refrain, region, relation, relatively, release, relinquish, remove, renounce, rent, resolution, response, responsibility, return to dust, rift, right, right of entry, rip, ritornello, rive, role, roll, run, sacrifice, salient, say, scant, scanty, scatter, score, scrap, scrappy, section, sectional, segment, segmental, segmentary, segregate, separate, sequester, serial, set apart, set aside, set at intervals, settlement, shard, share, share out, share with, sheet music, short, short score, shut off, shy, side, simply, sketchy, slice, slice the pie, slice up, slit, small amount, small share, so far, soil, some, somewhat, songbook, songster, soprano, soubrette, space, space out, specialty, split, split up, spread, spread out, spring open, stake, stand aloof, stand apart, stand aside, stanza, statement, status, step aside, stock, stop breathing, straight part, strain, strict settlement, strip, subtract, succumb, sue for divorce, sum, supporting character, supporting role, surrender, swing open, tablature, tailpiece, tap, tear, tear open, tenor, terrain, territory, text, thorough bass, three-mile limit, throw off, throw open, throw out, thus far, title, title role, to a degree, to some degree, to some extent, tolerably, transcript, transcription, treble, trust, tutti, tutti passage, twelve-mile limit, uncouple, underdeveloped, undersong, undeveloped, unit, unmarry, untie the knot, unyoke, up and die, use, usually, variation, verse, version, vested interest, vicinage, vicinity, villain, visibly, vocal score, voice, voice part, volume, walk-on, walking part, wanting, whole, withdraw, written music, yield, yield the ghost, zone