Synonyms and related words :
Anschauung, Parthian shot, a priori principle, abode, address, affect, affectivity, affirmance, affirmation, allegation, allocate, angle, angle of vision, announcement, annunciation, answer, apostrophe, appointment, apriorism, area, arrange, arrangement, aspect, assertion, asseveration, assign, assumed position, assumption, attitude, autarky, averment, avouchment, avowal, axiom, azimuth, basis, bearing, bearings, belief, bench mark, bent, berth, billet, bimetallism, blood, bracket, branch, cachet, capacity, case, caste, categorical proposition, category, celestial navigation, character, circumstance, circumstances, clan, class, climate of opinion, collocate, color, comment, common belief, community sentiment, conceit, concept, conception, conclusion, condition, connection, consensus gentium, consequence, consideration, contention, crack, creed, data, dead reckoning, declaration, deploy, determine, dictum, dignity, disposal, dispose, disposition, district, division, duty, echelon, economic self-sufficiency, emotion, emotivity, emplace, emplacement, employment, engagement, enunciation, establish, estate, estimate, estimation, ethos, exclamation, exposure, expression, eye, face, feeling, feeling tone, first principles, fix, footing, foundation, frame of reference, framework, free enterprise, free trade, frontage, function, general belief, get a fix, gig, governmentalism, grade, greeting, ground, group, grouping, head, heading, hierarchy, high place, hole, home in on, hypothesis, hypothesis ad hoc, idea, importance, impression, inclination, incumbency, install, interjection, ipse dixit, jam, job, judgment, kin, kudos, label, laissez-faire, laissez-faireism, latitude and longitude, lay, leaning, lemma, level, lie, lieu, light, lights, line, line of position, locale, localism, locality, localize, locate, location, locus, lot, major premise, managed currency, manifesto, mental attitude, mental outlook, mention, mind, minor premise, modality, mode, moonlighting, mystique, navigate, noninterference, nonintervention, note, notion, nullification, observation, occupation, office, opening, opinion, order, orientation, outlook, part, party line, party principle, pass, personal judgment, philosopheme, philosophical proposition, phrase, pickle, pigeonhole, pilotage, pin down, pinpoint, place, placement, placing, planned economy, plight, point, point of view, policy, polity, popular belief, pose, position, position line, position paper, positive declaration, post, postulate, postulation, postulatum, posture, power structure, precedence, predicament, predicate, predication, premise, prestige, presumption, presupposition, prevailing belief, price supports, principle, proclamation, profession, pronouncement, proposition, propositional function, protection, protectionism, protest, protestation, province, psychology, public belief, public opinion, public policy, pump-priming, put, put in place, quality, question, race, radio bearing, rank, rate, rating, reaction, reference system, reflection, regard, region, relation, remark, respect, role, rubric, say, say-so, saying, second job, section, sectionalism, sentence, sentiment, sept, service, set, settle, side, sight, site, situate, situation, situs, slant, sphere, spot, stage, stance, stand, standing, standpoint, state, statement, station, stature, status, stead, strain, stratum, subdivision, subgroup, subjoinder, suborder, sumption, supposal, system, tenure, theorem, theory, thesis, thinking, thought, title, triangulate, truth table, truth-function, truth-value, universe, utterance, vacancy, view, viewpoint, vouch, way of thinking, where, whereabout, whereabouts, word, zero in on