Synonyms and related words :
Jacksonian epilepsy, Rolandic epilepsy, abdominal epilepsy, abuse, access, accomplished fact, accomplishment, ache, achievement, aching, act, acta, action, activated epilepsy, ad hoc measure, adventure, affect epilepsy, akinetic epilepsy, aneurysm, angina, angina pectoris, answer, aortic insufficiency, aortic stenosis, apoplectic stroke, apoplexy, approach, arrest, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis, artifice, assay, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, attack, attempt, auricular fibrillation, autonomic epilepsy, band, bang, bar, bash, bat, beat, beating, belt, beriberi heart, bid, biff, bit, blarney, bleed, bleed white, blockage, blow, bonk, breakup, breath, brush, butter, butter up, cardiac arrest, cardiac epilepsy, cardiac insufficiency, cardiac shock, cardiac stenosis, cardiac thrombosis, carditis, caress, cataclysm, catalepsy, cataplexy, chop, climax, clip, clonic spasm, clonus, clout, clump, congenital heart disease, contact, contrivance, convulsion, cor biloculare, cor juvenum, cor triatriatum, coronary, coronary insufficiency, coronary thrombosis, cortical epilepsy, countermove, coup, course of action, crack, cramp, cross-hatching, cursive epilepsy, cut, cutaneous sense, dash, dealings, deed, delineation, demarche, device, diagonal, diastolic hypertension, diastrophism, dig, dint, diplegia, dirty work, disaster, distress, diurnal epilepsy, dodge, doing, doings, dolor, donkeywork, dotted line, drain, drub, drubbing, drudgery, drumming, eclampsia, effort, embolism, employment, encased heart, endeavor, endocarditis, enterprise, epilepsia, epilepsia gravior, epilepsia major, epilepsia minor, epilepsia mitior, epilepsia nutans, epilepsia tarda, epilepsy, epitasis, essay, example, expedient, experiment, exploit, extrasystole, fag, fait accompli, falling sickness, fatigue, fatty heart, feat, feel, feel up, feeling, fibroid heart, fingertip caress, fit, flash, flask-shaped heart, flick, fling, flourish, focal epilepsy, fondle, frenzy, frictionize, frosted heart, fusillade, gambit, gest, gesture, get around, gimmick, glance, go, grand mal, graze, grief, grind, grip, hachure, hairline, hairy heart, half a jiffy, half a mo, half a second, half a shake, hand, hand-mindedness, handiwork, handwork, happening, hatching, haute mal, heart attack, heart block, heart condition, heart disease, heart failure, hemiplegia, high blood pressure, hint, hit, honey, hurt, hypertension, hypertensive heart disease, hysterical epilepsy, ictus, ill-use, impose upon, improvisation, industry, infantile paralysis, injury, instant, iota, ischemic heart disease, jab, jiff, jiffy, job, jolly, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, kid along, kiss, knead, knock, labor, lambency, lap, larval epilepsy, laryngeal epilepsy, laryngospasm, last expedient, last resort, last shift, latent epilepsy, lay it on, lesion, lick, lick of work, light touch, line, lineation, lockjaw, make use of, makeshift, maneuver, manipulate, manual labor, mark, massage, matter, matutinal epilepsy, means, measure, menstrual epilepsy, microsecond, milk, millisecond, minute, misuse, mitral insufficiency, mitral stenosis, moil, moment, motion, move, movement, musicogenic epilepsy, myocardial infarction, myocardial insufficiency, myocarditis, myoclonous epilepsy, myovascular insufficiency, nasty blow, nocturnal epilepsy, nose, nuzzle, occlusion, occurrence, offer, oil, operation, orgasm, overdo it, overt act, overthrow, ox heart, pain, palpitation, palsy, pang, paralysis, paralytic stroke, paraplegia, paresis, paroxysm, paroxysmal tachycardia, passage, passion, pat, pelt, performance, pericarditis, pet, petit mal, physiologic epilepsy, pile, pis aller, play on, play up to, plunk, poke, polio, poliomyelitis, pound, premature beat, presume upon, proceeding, production, pseudoaortic insufficiency, psychic epilepsy, psychomotor epilepsy, pulmonary insufficiency, pulmonary stenosis, pulsation, pulse, punch, quake, rap, rat race, reflex epilepsy, res gestae, resort, resource, rheumatic heart disease, rotatoria, round heart, rub, rub against, rub down, rub noses, sclerosis, score, scrap, scut work, sec, second, seizure, sense of touch, sensory epilepsy, sensory paralysis, serial epilepsy, sexual climax, shake, shake-up, shift, shock, shot, slam, slash, slavery, slog, slug, smack, smash, soap, sock, soft-soap, soften up, solution, soothe, sore, sore spot, spadework, spasm, splash, split second, stab, step, stitch, stony heart, stopgap, stoppage, stratagem, streak, streaking, stress, stress of life, striation, strike, string along, strip, stripe, striping, stroke of policy, stroke of work, strong bid, stunt, sublineation, suck dry, suffering, suggestion, swat, sweat, swing, swipe, tachycardia, tactic, tactile sense, taction, take advantage of, tap, tardy epilepsy, task, tattoo, temblor, temporary expedient, tender spot, tentative, tentative poke, tetanus, tetany, thing, thing done, throb, throes, thromboembolism, thrombosis, thump, thwack, tick, tidal wave, tiresome work, toil, tonic epilepsy, tonic spasm, torsion spasm, touch, tour de force, transaction, traumatic epilepsy, travail, treadmill, trial, trial and error, trice, trick, tricuspid insufficiency, tricuspid stenosis, trismus, trump, try, tsunami, turn, turtle heart, twink, twinkle, twinkling, twitch, two shakes, ucinate epilepsy, underline, underlining, underscore, underscoring, undertaking, upheaval, use, use ill, varicose veins, varix, ventricular fibrillation, virgule, visitation, wallop, whack, whisper, whop, wink, work, work on, work upon, working hypothesis, working proposition, works, wound, wrench, yerk