1 kind/sort
▪ distinct , distinctive , specific , well-defined
▪ certain , particular
certain ~s of cancer
▪ diverse
▪ broad
Two broad ~s of approach can be identified.
▪ main , major , predominant , principal
▪ basic , common , conventional , standard , traditional
▪ extreme
▪ alternative
▪ novel
a novel ~ of sculpture
▪ favourite/favorite , popular
▪ ideal
the ideal ~ of helmet for caving
▪ body , personality , physical
▪ blood , cell , hair , skin , tissue , etc.
▪ product
▪ habitat , rock , soil , vegetation
▪ distinguish , identify , recognize
▪ represent
▪ classify , define , determine
▪ choose , select , specify
▪ revert to
The boss came back to work all relaxed, but now he's reverting to ~.
▪ in ~
The recession is similar in ~ to that of ten years ago.
▪ of a ~
a motel of a ~ that has all but vanished
▪ ~ of
There are various ~s of daffodil(s).
▪ of its ~
This exercise is the hardest of its ~.
▪ a range of ~s , a variety of ~s
2 person
▪ adventurous , athletic , sporty
▪ quiet , shy , silent
He must be the strong silent ~.
▪ jealous , marrying , old-fashioned
I am definitely not the marrying ~.
He was the old-fashioned ~, well-mannered and always in a suit and tie.
▪ artistic , creative , literary , media
West Coast media ~s
▪ City (= a person who works in finance in the City of London) ( BrE ), corporate , Wall Street ( esp. AmE )
The bar was crowded with corporate ~s in suits.
▪ true to ~ ( esp. BrE )
True to ~, Adam turned up an hour late.
▪ (not) your ~
She's not really my type—she's a little too serious.
3 printed letters
▪ bold , boldface
▪ italic
▪ roman
▪ print sth in , set sth in
Key paragraphs of the report are set in italic ~.
▪ use
▪ in … ~
The important words are in bold ~.
▪ correctly
▪ neatly
▪ quickly , rapidly
▪ furiously
He was sitting at his desk typing furiously.
▪ out , up
I've written the report and will ~ it up next week.
▪ in
She ~d her password in.
▪ away
Sam ~d away for a few minutes.
▪ back ( esp. AmE )
She quickly ~d back a response.
▪ into
She ~d the details into the computer.
▪ on
This letter was ~d on an electronic typewriter.
Type is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ command , ↑ document , ↑ email , ↑ manuscript , ↑ memo , ↑ password , ↑ reply , ↑ report , ↑ word