Meaning of ERROR in English

n. 1 mistake, inaccuracy, fault, flaw, blunder, slip, gaffe; misprint, typographical error, erratum, solecism; Brit literal, Colloq slip-up, goof, clanger, fluff, boo-boo, howler, Brit bloomer, Slang foul-up, boner, Brit boob I cannot accept a report so full of errors 2 sin, transgression, trespass, offence, indiscretion, wrongdoing, misconduct, iniquity, evil, wickedness, flagitiousness He seems to have seen the error of his ways 3 in error. a wrong, mistaken, incorrect, at fault She was in error about the date of the conference b mistakenly, incorrectly, by mistake, erroneously I caught the earlier train in error

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