Meaning of LIKE in English

adj. , adv. 1 similar (to), akin (to), allied (to), parallel (to or with), comparable (to or with), equivalent (to), equal (to), identical (to), cognate (with), analogous (to), corresponding (to), correspondent (to), close (to), homologous (to or with), of a piece (with), (much) the same (as), along the same lines (as), not unlike We hold like opinions Her opinions are like mine. Her pies are like the ones my mother used to bake. Problems like this give me a headache. Opposite charges attract, like charges repel. 2 in the mood for, disposed to Do you feel like a walk in the park? He felt like going with me

adv. 3 as if, as though He ran like mad

prep. 4 similar to, identical to or with Her daughter looks like her He makes her feel like a perfect fool. 5 in the same way as, in the manner of, similarly to Sometimes she acts like a maniac The jacket fits him like a glove. He laughed like a drain. He treats his mother like a child. 6 such as, for example, for instance, e.g., that is (to say), i.e., in other words, namely, to wit, viz. Mistletoe grows on various trees, like oaks and birches

n. 7 match, equal, peer, fellow, opposite number, counterpart, twin It is doubtful that we shall see his like again 8 same or similar kind or sort or ilk or type or kidney or breed or mould or cast or strain The book deals with music, literature, theatre, painting, and the like

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