1. To make heavy; cause to go down or bend with weight; overload. * /The evergreens are weighed down by the deep snow./ - Often used with "with" or "by". * /There are so many children in the back seat that they are weighing down the back of the car./ 2a. To overload with care or worry; make sad or low in spirits. - Usually used in the passive. * /The family is weighed down by sorrow./ * /The company is weighed down by debt./ 2b. To make heavy, hard, or slow; make dull or uninteresting. - Often in the passive used with "by" or "with". * /The book is weighted down with footnotes./ * /The TV program is weighed down by commercials./
Meaning of WEIGHT DOWN in English
Slang English vocab. Английский сленговый словарь. 2012