Meaning of HEART in English

noun courage; courageous purpose; spirit.

2. heart ·noun vital part; secret meaning; real intention.

3. heart ·noun a term of affectionate or kindly and familiar address.

4. heart ·vi to form a compact center or heart; as, a hearting cabbage.

5. heart ·noun a hollow, muscular organ, which, by contracting rhythmically, keeps up the circulation of the blood.

6. heart ·noun vigorous and efficient activity; power of fertile production; condition of the soil, whether good or bad.

7. heart ·noun one of a series of playing cards, distinguished by the figure or figures of a heart; as, hearts are trumps.

8. heart ·vt to give heart to; to hearten; to encourage; to inspirit.

9. heart ·noun that which resembles a heart in shape; especially, a roundish or oval figure or object having an obtuse point at one end, and at the other a corresponding indentation, — used as a symbol or representative of the heart.

10. heart ·noun the nearest the middle or center; the part most hidden and within; the inmost or most essential part of any body or system; the source of life and motion in any organization; the chief or vital portion; the center of activity, or of energetic or efficient action; as, the heart of a country, of a tree, ·etc.

11. heart ·noun the seat of the affections or sensibilities, collectively or separately, as love, hate, joy, grief, courage, and the like; rarely, the seat of the understanding or will;

— usually in a good sense, when no epithet is expressed; the better or lovelier part of our nature; the spring of all our actions and purposes; the seat of moral life and character; the moral affections and character itself; the individual disposition and character; as, a good, tender, loving, bad, hard, or selfish heart.

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