I. əˈwā adverb
Etymology: Middle English away, on way, from Old English aweg, onweg, from a- (I) , on + weg way — more at way
1. : on the way : onward , along
come away death — Shakespeare
2. : from this or that place : hence , thence
the lone and level sands stretch far away — P.B.Shelley
go away
— sometimes used to indicate motion from a place with no expressed verb of motion or no expressed verb at all
we must away
whither away
a. : from contact or close association : aside
she folded her work and laid it away — H.W.Longfellow
b. : at a little distance : off
he was a good boxer inside as well as away — A.J.Liebling
c. : in another direction ; especially : in the opposite direction
we've turned … hard away in a tight circle to port to get out of this area — Richard Dimbleby
4. : from a condition of being : out of existence : to an end : to nothing
tried to explain away the affair of the letter — H.E.Scudder
a progressive twitching of the muscles with increasing weakness and wasting away — Morris Fishbein
5. : from one's possession or use
it is given away to a friend by the householder — J.G.Frazer
a. : onward in time : uninterruptedly , constantly , on
a distinct compartment in one's mind that works away no matter what is going on — O.W.Holmes †1935
b. : without hesitation or delay : forthwith , immediately
the troops were ordered to fire away
7. : to a considerable degree : by a long distance or interval : far
he is far and away the best player on the team
the trouble began away back in 1910
II. adjective
a. : absent from a place : gone
he is away from home
b. : started on the way : off
he was away at a gallop — Winston Churchill
2. : distant in space or time
a lake 10 miles away
the opening of the season is only a week away
3. chiefly Scotland : gone out of or as if out of existence : dead, mad, or in a faint
she was away in her head — Mary Deasy
a. : played on an opponent's home grounds
league headquarters arranges the schedule of home and away games
b. of a golf ball : lying farthest from the cup and to be played first
c. baseball : out
the home run came with two away in the 9th inning