variant of joust
II. ˈjəst adjective
( often -er/-est )
Etymology: Middle English just, juste, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French juste, from Old French, from Latin justus, from jus right, law, justice, from Old Latin jous; akin to Old Irish huisse, uisse right, just, Sanskrit yos welfare, and perhaps to Latin jungere to bind, join; basic meaning: tie, obligation — more at yoke
(1) : having a basis in fact : reasonable , well-founded , justified
felt a just fear of the consequences of his actions
(2) : conforming to fact or reason : not false : right , true , accurate
had a very just notion of the boy's abilities
one element in a just discrimination — John Dewey
(3) archaic : agreeing closely or exactly with a pattern, model, or other original : faithful
b. obsolete : adapted to some end or purpose : appropriate , suitable
(1) obsolete : regular or exact in operation : constant , uniform
(2) obsolete : being exactly the specified measure, dimension, quantity, or other result of calculation : not approximate but exact
(3) : conforming to some standard of correctness : correct , proper , fitting
tended to distort some of the concerto's just proportions — Winthrop Sargeant
react in just measure against this naturalism — Irving Babbitt
combines wit and sentiment in just proportions — Douglas Watt
(4) obsolete : equal , even
(5) : giving or sounding musical tones at the mathematically exact intervals of their vibration ratios
just intonation
just scale
— compare tempered
d. archaic : lacking nothing needed for completeness : complete , full
a. : righteous before God
(1) : acting or being in conformity with what is morally right or good : righteous , equitable
a reward directed his way by a just providence — W.H.Whyte
a just war
that is justice, even if it is not just — Alan Paton
his decisions quick and instinctively just — Norman Mailer
(2) : merited , deserved
won him that just affection and popularity — F.J.Mather
received his just punishment
c. : conforming to or consonant with what is legal or lawful : legally right
a just title
just compensation
a just proceeding
Synonyms: see fair , upright
III. (|)jəs(t), (|)jis(t), (|)jes(t), in rapid speech sometimes (ˌ)dis(t) adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from just, adjective
a. : exactly , precisely
some indication of just how nervous she was — C.B.Flood
just the words we often have to look up in a dictionary — G.A.Miller
capturing … just the expression of terror which had baffled him — Laurence Binyon
must always have his meals served just so
has just the thing you need
that's just the point in dispute
you must take me just as I am
an apartment project … that cost just $20 million — Wall Street Journal
(1) : precisely at the time referred to or implied
was just ten when he came in
not here just now
(2) : but a very short time ago : very recently
has just been published
was just here
— often used in the phrase just now
saw him just now
c. Britain : on the point of being — often used with on
it was now just on eight o'clock — Paul Jennings
2. obsolete : in a precise or accurate manner : correctly , accurately
a. : by a very small margin : barely
had only just time to get back — F.W.Crafts
could just see the very high weathercock of the church — Arnold Bennett
just short of the record — Current Biography
it was just over fifty years ago — Alan Devoe
should be adjusted to just clear the dial — W.E.Shinn
has an entrance just within the … county line — American Guide Series: New York City
b. : in immediate proximity : immediately , directly
lies just west of here
just across from the campus
just down the hall — J.K.Blake
a. : only , merely , simply
just a note to let you know
turn it into just another automobile — R.C.Ruark
to them it's just a business — Irish Digest
asked for a copy and got it — just like that — M.S.Mayer
there was just lots of scenery — J.F.Dobie
seems incredibly large for just the aristocracy — H.P.Becker
I'm just your interpreter — Ernest Hemingway
I don't think about it; I just go — J.J.Godwin
(1) : quite , very , absolutely , really — used as an intensive
that's just ducky
just had a wonderful time
(2) chiefly dialect : indeed , truly
I tried a master; but he confused me, just — Willa Cather
couldn't he play the violin, just — Wesfarmers News
- just about
- just in case
IV. abbreviation