hype 1
/huyp/ , v. , hyped, hyping , n. Informal.
1. to stimulate, excite, or agitate (usually fol. by up ): She was hyped up at the thought of owning her own car.
2. to create interest in by flamboyant or dramatic methods; promote or publicize showily: a promoter who knows how to hype a prizefight.
3. to intensify (advertising, promotion, or publicity) by ingenious or questionable claims, methods, etc. (usually fol. by up ).
4. to trick; gull.
5. exaggerated publicity; hoopla.
6. an ingenious or questionable claim, method, etc., used in advertising, promotion, or publicity to intensify the effect.
7. a swindle, deception, or trick.
[ 1925-30, Amer.; in sense "to trick, swindle," of uncert. orig.; subsequent senses perh. by reanalysis as a shortening of HYPERBOLE ]
hype 2
/huyp/ , n. Slang.
1. a hypodermic needle.
2. a drug addict, esp. one who uses a hypodermic needle.
[ shortening of HYPODERMIC; cf. HYPO 1 ]