Русско-английский перевод С ТОЧНОСТЬЮ ДО

см. тж. в пределах ошибки эксперимента

• Linear coordinates of ... are measured accurate to 0.003 in.

• This apparatus is accurate within microseconds.

• Angle " A " may be read to 0.01.

• In these methods weightings are made to ±0.0002 mg.

• The time scale can be read to ( or with ) an accuracy ( or a precision ) of 10 milliseconds.

• The length of the tube is measured to better than 0.0025 cm.

• The cam cannot be installed to the required precision .

• The balance is capable of weighing to the nearest 0.1 mg.

• Vacuum-tube voltmeters were calibrated to within 1%.

• These parameters are known with an accuracy of 5%.

• With a precision of 1 part in 1,000,000,000 ...

• For this angle the measurements agreed within 0.1.

• The contemporary instruments can measure the angular position of stars to a thousandth of a second of arc .

• Thus it should be possible to obtain a numerical answer good to ±25%.

• Readings can be obtained to an accuracy of 1 micron.

• One can predict with an accuracy of 90% or better whether the child will be afflicted with the disorder.

• Angle settings are accurate to five minutes of arc .

Циммерман М., Веденеева К.. Русско-Английский научно-технический словарь переводчика.      Russian-English scientific dictionary for translators.