Meaning of CHARGE in English


Function: verb

Inflected Form: charged ; charg · ing

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French charger, from Late Latin carricare, from Latin carrus wheeled vehicle ― more at CAR

Date: 14th century

transitive verb

1 a archaic : to lay or put a load on or in : LOAD b (1) : to place a charge (as of powder) in (2) : to load or fill to capacity c (1) : to restore the active materials in (a storage battery) by the passage of a direct current through in the opposite direction to that of discharge (2) : to give an electric charge to < charge a capacitor> d (1) : to assume as a heraldic bearing (2) : to place a heraldic bearing on e : to fill or furnish fully <the music is charged with excitement> f : ELECTRIFY 2 <the crowd was charged by her performance>

2 a : to impose a task or responsibility on < charge him with the job of finding a new meeting place> b : to command, instruct, or exhort with authority <I charge you not to go> c of a judge : to give a charge to (a jury)

3 a : to make an assertion against especially by ascribing guilt or blame < charge s him with armed robbery> <they were charged as being instigators> b : to place the guilt or blame for < charge her failure to negligence> c : to assert as an accusation < charge s that he distorted the data>

4 a : to bring (a weapon) into position for attack : LEVEL < charge a lance> b : to rush against : ATTACK also : to rush into (an opponent) usually illegally in various sports

5 a (1) : to impose a financial burden on < charge his estate with debts incurred> (2) : to impose or record as financial obligation < charge debts to an estate> b (1) : to fix or ask as fee or payment < charge s $50 for an office visit> (2) : to ask payment of (a person) < charge a client for expenses> c : to record (an item) as an expense, debt, obligation, or liability < charged a new sofa>

intransitive verb

1 : to rush forward in or as if in assault : ATTACK also : to charge an opponent in sports

2 : to ask or set a price <do you charge for this service?>

3 : to charge an item to an account < charge now, pay later>

synonyms see COMMAND

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.