1. система 2. агрегат; устройство; устройство 3. совокупность; семейство to troubleshoot system — отыскивать и устранять неисправности в системе; system with arbitrary repair — система с восстановлением в произвольный момент времени; system with component replacement — система с возможностью замены элементов; system with delayed replacement — система с отсроченной заменой (неисправных элементов); system with parallel repair — система с одновременным восстановлением нескольких элементов; system with preventive maintenance — система с профилактикой; system with redundancy — система с резервированием - acceptance inspection system - acoustic back-up communication system - acoustic back-up control system - acoustic communication system - acoustic control system - acoustic emergency backup control system - acoustic positioning system - acoustic signaling system - active compensator system - active drilling system - adaptive data recording system - adequate system - air shooting system - alarm monitoring and reporting system - alarm signal system - alarm warning system - American system of drilling - analog seismic recording system - anchor line of tackle system - anchor system - anticorrosion system - areal system of oil-and-petroleum gas gathering - audible warning system - audit system - automated drilling mud mixing system - automated mud system - automated pipe handling system - automatic ignition system - automatic oil-production system - automatic pipe handling system - automatic pipe racking system - automatic sprinkler fire control system - automatic station keeping system - automatic water spray fire-fighting system - available system - backup control system - bad-as-old system - Baume system - block-and-tackle system - blow-loading system - blowout preventer cart system - blowout preventer closing system - blowout preventer control system - blowout preventer function position indicator system - blowout preventer kill-and-choke line system - blowout preventer moonpool guidance system - blowout preventer system - bottom cavitation focusing system - bow-loading system - bracing system - brake system - braking system - broadside system - bucking-out system - bulk products weighting system - cable correction system - cable-tool drilling system - Canadian pole system - cannibalized system - cargo-pumping system - cargo-tank ventilating system - casing hanger system - cathodic protection system - cause system - caution system - cavity-filling water spray system - centralized one-line system of oil and petroleum gas gathering - certification test system - changeover system - choke system - circulating system - cleaning system - closed drilling mud circulation system - closed pipeline system - closed pumping-out system - closed water treatment system - collapsible ditch system - combination chain and wirerope mooring system - combination log system - combination system - compensated system - compressor system - computer-aided fault isolation system - conductive channel system - continuous elevating and lowering system - corrosion protection system - crack detection system - Craelius system - crosshole shear wave system - dead-line of tackle system - deck water system - deep-tow system - defect data collection system - defects system - demerit rating system - density measuring system - depth system - detection system - diagnostic system - diamond-drilling system - digital seismic system - direct line drive system - dispersed gas injection system - dispersed injection waterflood system - disposal system - distillation system - distributed environmental control system - ditch system - ditchless cleaning system - diverter support system - diverter system - double sheath system - downhole telemetry system - drawworks safety system - drill string compensatory system - drilling fluid processing system - drilling information monitoring system - drilling mud circulation system - drilling mud handling system - drilling mud recirculating system - drilling rig control system - drop ball system - dual blowout preventer stack system - dynamic ship positioning system - electrical logging system - electrohydraulic control system with different frequencies of pilot signals - electromagnetic induction system - electromagnetic logging system - electromagnetic prospecting system - electromagnetic survey system - electronic multiplex control system - elevating system - emergency acoustic closing system - emergency detection system - emergency shutdown system - enclosed firing system - environmental control system - environmental monitoring system - evacuation system - evaluation-and-maintenance system - evaporation system - event-recording system - expanding-electrode system - exploration system - explosive capsule feed system - exponentially stratified system - fail-operative system - fail-safe system - fail-soft system - failure-correction system - failure-detection system - failure-effect management system - failure-information system - failure-recording system - failure-reporting system - failure-sensing system - fault system - fault-indication system - fault-location system - fault-monitoring system - fault-recording system - fault-tolerant system - field development system - field seismic system - fire-alarm system - fire-control system - fire-extinguisher system - fire-extinguishing system - fire-warning system - firing system - five-spot dispersed injection system - five-spot well system - flaw-testing system - flexible bottom coring system - floating production - floating production system - flowmetering system - fluid cuttings removal system - fluid processing system - fluid sensitive firing system - foam fire-extinguishing system - focusing-electrode system - fold system - foolproof system - forced cooling system - four-probe system - four-spot well system - fracture system - fully redundant system - functionally redundant system - gas system - gas-collecting system - gas-distribution system - gas-freeing system - gas-gathering system - gas-price system - gas-pricing system - gas-supply system - gas-tariff system - gas-tight system of oil-and-petroleum gas gathering - gas-transmission system - gas-transport system - gas-treating system - gathering system - geophone-ground coupling system - graceful degradation system - gravity system of oil-and-petroleum gas gathering - gravity system - gripper system - ground-geophone system - guarded current-flow system - guideline replacement system - guidelineless drilling system - guidelineless well completion system - hardwire telemetric system - hazard system - high-speed drilling system - high-speed positioning system - hole-to-hole measurement system - horizontal-loop system - hybrid redundant system - hydraulic casing jack system - hydraulic circulating system - hydraulic drillpipe pickup system - hydraulic fluid makeup system - hydraulic rotary head slide-out system - hydraulic system - hydroacoustic position reference system - ice tracking system - induction logging system - induction prospecting system - induction system - inert gas fire extinguishing system - inflatable packer system - inspection system - integral marine riser system - integrated pile alignment system - integrated test and maintenance system - interconnected pipeline systems - interconnected system of fractures - intermediate pressure system - intermittent production system - intermitting production system - internal inspection system - intersecting wavefront systems - intricate system - inverted nine-spot dispersed injection system - inverted seven-spot dispersed injection system - jack pumping system - jacking system - jet stripping system - joint cathodic protection system - jump spark system - key-well system - laser-pulsed fluid system - lateral system - laterolog-type resistivity measuring system - liquid additive system - liquid additive verification system - liquid-gas system - liquid-liquid system - logging system - long-life system - long-lived system - loop system - lubricating system - lubrication system - main bracing system - maintainability data system - maintenance system - maintenance-data collection system - maintenance-free system - maintenance-recording system - malfunction detection system - malfunction reporting system - marine drilling system - marine liquid natural gas system - marine riser buoyancy system - marine riser system - marine riser tensioning system - marine seismic system - measurement while-drilling system - mechanized pipe-handling system - minerals availability system - modularly redundant system - mooring system of drilling offshore platform - motion compensator system - mountain system - mud-circulating system - mud-flush system - mudline casing support system - mudline suspension system - mud-manifolding system - mud-pulse telemetric system - multichannel seismic system - multicoil system - multilayer system - multiphase system - multiplex control system - multiplex system with repair - multiplex system - multirepair system - multistage sampling system - multiwire electrohydraulic control system - natural-fracture system - natural-gas system - network recording system - neutron logging system - nine-spot dispersed injection system - nine-spot well system - nonredundant system - nonrepairable system - normal formation-resistivity measuring system - ocean floor completion system - offshore loading system - offshore mooring-buoy loading system - offshore test system - oil-and-petroleum-gas gathering system - oil-circulating system - oil-field distribution system - oil-filtering system - oil-gathering system - oil-in-water system - oil-pressure system - oil-recovery system - oil-spill recovery system - oil-water-gas system - one-line system of oil and petroleum-gas gathering - open hydraulic system - open pipeline system - open water treatment system - operational readiness test system - Ordovician system - original pore system - parallel system - parallel-line system - parallel-redundant system - passive compensator system - pattern-type gas injection system - percussion system of drilling - pig injector and receiver valve system - pile alignment system - pin-and-hole-type jacking system - pinion jacking system - pipe abandonment and recovery system - pipe handling system - pipe system - pipeline system - piping system - plain-type liner hanger system - planned maintenance system - plumbing system - pore spacing system - position control system - position reference system - position sensing system - positioning system - positive cooling system - power-supply system - pressure-alarm system - pressure-pipeline system of drilling site - pressure-sealed system of oil-and-petroleum gas gathering - pressurized system of oil-and-petroleum gas gathering - preventive maintenance system - primary pore system - production certification system - production test system - proration system - prospecting system - public gas supply system - pulley-block system - pulsed jet system - purification system - quick disconnect system - rack-and-pinion-type jacking system - racking and handing pipe system - radius indicating system - raising arrangement system - Raky system - real-time remote logging system - recirculating cooling system - reconnaissance system - redundant system - reentry system - reeving system - reflection system - regular four-spot dispersed injection system - reliability assurance system - reliability communication system - reliability control system - reliability data system - reliability index system - reliability information system - reliability optimization system - reliability reporting system - reliquefaction system - remote firing system - remote logging system - repairable system - resistivity measuring system - retrievable control system - retrieving control system - return oil system - rigid piping system - riser acoustic tilt system - riser buoyancy system - riser disconnect management system - riser tensioning system - rod and drop-pull system - rod-handling system - rod-storage system - rod-wrenching system - rotary system - safety system - Schlumberger system - seaboom system - secondary pore system - segregated ballast system - seismic playback system - seismic prospecting system - seismic recording system - seismic surveillance system - seismic transcribing system - seismograph amplifier system - seismograph system - self-stripping system - semiautomated pipe handling system - semisolid water treating system - settling system - seven-spot dispersed injection system - seven-spot flooding system - seven-spot well system - sewage water treating system - sheave-linkage system - shipborne system - short-range navigation system - shot firing system - simplex system - single-anchor leg mooring system - single-mixing system - single-point turret mooring system - single-stack and single riser drilling system - single-stack system - single-stage spray system - single-well oil production system - skewed four-spot dispersed injection system - specification system - split stack blowout prevention system - staggered line drive system - standard system - standardizing system - steaming-out system - storage and offloading system - storage system - streamer control system - stripping system - submerged ballasting system - submerged production system - submudline completion system - submudline system - subsea blowout preventer stack control system - subsea completion system - subsea oil storage system - surface circulation system - surveying system - Synergetic log system - system of charging - system of natural-gas cooling - system of selectivity - system of standards - tackle system - tank heating system - tape recording seismic system - tariff system - telescoping joint support system - telluric-current measuring system - tensioner system - Tertiary system - tie-to-bottom compensation system - tie-to-bottom position sensing system - tie-to-ground compensation system - tooth-and-pawl jacking system - torque control-and-monitoring system - trace-compositing system - Trans-Alaska pipeline system - transfer system - transistorized seismic system - transmission system - transport system - tubing traveling system - turret anchored production system - two-flash system - two-line system of oil-and-petroleum gas gathering - two-phase system - two-stack system - unavailable system - underwater guide line system - underwater well guide system - unicomponent system - unification system - unit replacement system - unloading system - unrecoverable system - unreliable system - unrepairable system - unrestorable system - variable-density recording system - ventilation system - Venturi gas-cleaning system - vertical-loop system - vibropercussion rotary system - Vibroseis recording system - Vibroseis system - void system - warranty system - washover retrieving system - waste disposal system - waste handling system - water-flush system - water-spray fire control system - wave system - wavefront system - wellbore coordination system - well-cleaning system - wellhead control system - wellhead reentry system - well-logging system - well-monitoring system - wellpoint system - well-testing system - wet-type ocean floor completion system - wireless MVD system - wireline drill-core system - wireline drilling data telemetric system - wire-loop telemetry system - withdrawal system - X-bracing system
Англо-русский перевод SYSTEM
ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas. Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу. 1998