/ ˈsɪstəm; NAmE / noun
[ C ] system (of / for sth) an organized set of ideas or theories or a particular way of doing sth :
the British educational system
a new system for assessing personal tax bills
a system of government
—see also binary , metric system
[ C ] a group of things, pieces of equipment, etc. that are connected or work together :
a transport system
heating systems
a stereo system
a security system
—see also ecosystem , expert system , operating system , public address system , solar system
[ C ] a human or an animal body, or a part of it, when it is being thought of as the organs and processes that make it function :
You have to wait until the drugs have passed out of your system.
the male reproductive system
—see also central nervous system , digestive system , immune system
the system [ sing. ] ( informal , usually disapproving ) the rules or people that control a country or an organization, especially when they seem to be unfair because you cannot change them :
You can't beat the system (= you must accept it) .
young people rebelling against the system
- get sth out of your system
early 17th cent.: from French système or late Latin systema , from Greek sustēma , from sun- with + histanai set up.