1) система; способ; метод
2) устройство; строй
3) классификация
4) учение
5) сеть (дорог)
- systems and procedures
- system with backlog
- system with finite waiting room
- system with limited holding time
- system without information
- system with refusal
- system with restrictions
- system of debiting agents with actual premiums collected
- system of economic exchange
- system of fixed base index
- system of instantaneous payments
- system of integrated national accounts
- system of machinery
- system of planning and incentives
- accounting system
- actual cost system
- adaptive system
- address matching system
- advanced system
- advertised bid system
- appointment system
- arable dairy system
- arable-livestock system
- asymptotically stable system
- automated control system
- automatic data processing system
- automatic dragline system
- automatic transfer system
- average premium system
- balking system
- banking system
- basing-point system
- batch system
- battery system
- block system
- "blue-eyed" boysystem
- bonus system
- budgetary control system
- bulk power system
- bulk-service system
- capacitated system
- capitalist system
- cashiering system
- census information retrieval system
- centralized control system
- centrally planned system
- central record system
- chain store system
- civil transportation system
- class cost system
- classification system
- clearing system
- closed marriage system
- closed queueing system
- command-and-control systems
- commercial drylot beef feeding system
- common control system
- competitive systems
- competitive negotiated bidding system
- computer-based trading system for the Eurobonds market
- computer-controlled closed-loop system
- computerized system of payments
- computerized information system
- constant causes system
- constrained system
- continuous cost system
- continuous registration system
- continuous review system
- contract system
- convertible-dollar system
- cost system
- cost control system
- cost-plus system
- crawling peg system
- credit system
- credit authorizing system
- credit transfer system
- credit validation system
- cropping system
- crop rotation system
- cultivation system
- currency system
- custom transit systems
- cyclical early warning system
- cyclical response system
- data system
- data collection system
- data exchange system
- data handling system
- data logging system
- data processing system
- data reduction system
- data retrieval system
- data transmission system
- decentralized reserve system
- decimal system of coding
- delay system
- delivered price systems
- departmental system of management
- departmental costing system
- deterministic system
- diversified farm production system
- domestic system
- double account system
- drainage system
- dry system
- dual banking system
- dual posting system
- dual standard cost system
- dynamic system
- dynamic priority system
- early warning system
- ecologic equilibrium system
- econometric system
- educational system
- electric system
- electronic book-entry system
- electronic funds transfer system
- Emerson bonus system
- energy system
- engineering system
- equilibrium system
- estimating-cost system
- extensive farming system
- factory system
- factory-warehouse system
- farm costing system
- farming system
- farm loan system
- Federal Reserve interdistrict collection system
- feedback system
- feeding system
- feed-units system
- feudal system
- financial system
- fiscal system
- fixed-interval system
- fixed-order-quantity system
- follow-the-leader pricing system
- forecasting system
- fractional reserve system
- free enterprise system
- free-range system
- functional information system
- Gantt system
- general window system
- giro system
- Halsey system
- hatch system
- historical cost system
- household system
- housing system
- incentive payment system
- infinite queueing system
- information system
- information decision system
- information retrieval system
- input-output system
- inspection system
- integrated accounting system
- integrated farm production system
- integrated record system
- intensive farming system
- international monetary system
- inventory control system
- job cost system
- kinship system
- land capability classification system
- land classification system
- land-tenure system
- land-use system
- large scale business system
- latifundium system
- Leontief system
- limited availability system
- linear system
- linear programming system
- locally stable system
- local public system
- local transit system
- loose housing system
- loss system
- loss-delay system
- lossless system
- low-cost low-output farming system
- management system
- management information system
- managerial system
- man-machine system
- manorial system
- manufacturing system
- many-server system
- market system
- Markov system
- marriage registration system
- material flow system
- mechanized production system
- meritocratic system
- metric system
- minimax system
- mixed enterprise system
- mnemonic code system
- modified reorder point system
- monetary system
- monitor system
- monopolistic system
- multibank system
- multichannel system
- multicommodity system
- multidepot system
- multiechelon supply system
- multiitem inventory system
- multiitem supply system
- multilateral system of settlements
- multilevel system
- multilocation supply system
- multiple system
- multiple basing-point system
- multiple currency reserve system
- multiple queue system
- multiple reorder point system
- multiple-trigger system
- multiproduct inventory system
- multiserver system
- multistage supply system
- multistation system
- multivariable system
- national banking system
- national payment system
- nationwide branch banking system
- negotiated bidding system
- non-Markovian system
- nonnormalized system
- nonpreemptive priority system
- normal cost system
- numerical transit system
- office system
- on-demand system
- one-crop system
- one-litter system
- open marriage system
- open price system
- operational system
- operations cost system
- optimum system
- ordering system
- ordering cycle system
- outdoor wintering system
- parcel pickup system
- partial standard cost system
- partido system
- par value system
- pay-as-you-earn system
- payment system
- pen system
- performance measurement system
- periodic reordering system
- permit-issuing system
- perpetual inventory system
- piece-rate system
- planning-programming-budgeting system
- plantation system
- point system
- postal saving system
- post giro system
- power system
- predetermined motion time system
- preemptive priority system
- premium system
- preplanning system
- price system
- priority system
- probabilistic system
- process cost system
- production system
- production distribution system
- program change control system
- publicly owned power system
- public power system
- public water system
- pure key-currency system
- quality system
- quality auditing system
- quality intelligence system
- quality rating system
- queueing system
- quota system
- railway system
- ramified kinship system
- rate card system
- rationing system
- receiving inspection system
- record keeping system
- regional electronic payment system
- relay system
- reneging system
- reorder point system
- reorder time system
- retail trade system
- rotation system
- saving system
- scheduling system
- scoring system
- semi-intensive system
- serving system
- sharecrop system
- shift system
- simulation system
- single basing-point system
- single channel system
- single posting system
- single-server system
- single standard cost system
- slow check collection system
- snake-in-the-tunnel system
- socialist system
- soil rating system
- sole source negotiated bidding system
- specialized farm production system
- specific-order cost system
- speedup system
- spoils system
- sponsor group system
- standard cost system
- static-priority system
- straight-line system of depreciation
- suggestion system
- supply system
- surplus appropriation system
- sweating system
- task system
- teletype system
- time-sharing system
- total information system
- transmission system
- two-bin system
- two-channel system
- two-class system
- two-tier system of price of gold
- uncapacitated system
- underloaded queueing system
- underwriting system
- uniform accounting system
- unit teller system
- value system
- vital statistics system
- voucher system
- wage-labor system
- waiting system
- waste-handling system
- water system
- weighting system
- within-plant trackage system