— systemless , adj.
/sis"teuhm/ , n.
1. an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex or unitary whole: a mountain system; a railroad system.
2. any assemblage or set of correlated members: a system of currency; a system of shorthand characters.
3. an ordered and comprehensive assemblage of facts, principles, doctrines, or the like in a particular field of knowledge or thought: a system of philosophy.
4. a coordinated body of methods or a scheme or plan of procedure; organizational scheme: a system of government.
5. any formulated, regular, or special method or plan of procedure: a system of marking, numbering, or measuring; a winning system at bridge.
6. due method or orderly manner of arrangement or procedure: There is no system in his work.
7. the world or universe.
8. Astron.
a. a number of heavenly bodies associated and acting together according to certain natural laws: the solar system.
b. a hypothesis or theory of the disposition and arrangements of the heavenly bodies by which their phenomena, motions, changes, etc., are explained: the Ptolemaic system; the Copernican system.
9. Biol.
a. an assemblage of organs or related tissues concerned with the same function: the nervous system; the digestive system.
b. the entire human or animal body considered as a functioning unit: an ingredient toxic to the system.
10. one's psychological makeup, esp. with reference to desires or preoccupations: to get something out of one's system.
11. a method or scheme of classification: the Linnean system of plants.
12. ( sometimes cap. ) the prevailing structure or organization of society, business, or politics or of society in general; establishment (usually prec. by the ): to work within the system instead of trying to change it.
13. Geol. a major division of rocks comprising sedimentary deposits and igneous masses formed during a single geologic period.
14. Physical Chem. a combination of two or more phases, as a binary system, each of which consists of one or more substances, that is attaining or is in equilibrium.
15. Computers. a working combination of hardware, software, and data communications devices.
16. Checkers. either of the two groups of 16 playing squares on four alternate columns.
[ 1610-20; systema sýstema whole compounded of several parts, equiv. to sy- SY- + ste- (var. s. of histánai to cause to stand; akin to L stare to STAND) + -ma n. suffix denoting result of action ]
Syn. 1. organization. 7. cosmos. 9b . organism.