Англо-русский перевод SYSTEM

1) система || системный

2) система; установка; устройство; комплекс

3) программа - AI planning system - AI system - CAD system - Internet-enabled system - MIMO system - Post-production system - SISO system - Unified system - accounting system - adaptive control system - address selection system - addressing system - advice-giving system - analog computing system - analog-digital computing system - analysis information system - application system - arabic number system - arithmetic system - assembly system - asymmetrical system - atomic system - attached processor system - audio system - authoring system - automated office system - automatic block system - automatic checkout system - automatic control system - automatic search system - automatic test system - automatically programmed system - automatically taught system - autoprogrammable system - axiomatic system - backup system - bad system - bang-bang system - base-2 system - basic system - batch-processing system - binary system - binary-coded decimal system - binary-number system - biquinary system - bit-mapped system - bit-slice system - black-board expert system - block parity system - buddy system - bus-oriented system - business system - bussed system - call-reply system - carrier system - cause-controlled system - character recognition system - character-reading system - chargeback system - check sum error-detecting system - chip-layout system - clock system - closed loop system - closed system - code recognition system - code system - code-dependent system - code-insensitive system - code-sensitive system - code-transparent system - coded-decimal system - coding system - coincident selection system - cold system - color-coded system - command system - common-bus system - communication data system - communications-oriented system - complete articulated system - computer system - computer-aided design system - computer-aided system - computer-based weapon system - computer-based system - computerized system - computing system - concatenated coding system - concealment system - conservative system - contention system - continuous presence system - control system - controlled system - controlling system - coordinate system - cordonnier system - costrained vision system - cross system - crossbar switch system - data acquisition system - data collection system - data exchange system - data flow system - data gethering system - data handling system - data management system - data preparation system - data processing system - data reduction system - data retrieval system - data storage system - data transmission system - data system - data-managed system - database management system - database support system - decimal numeration system - decimal number system - decimal system - decision-making system - decision-support system - decision-taking system - decoding selection system - decomposable system - dedicated system - degenerate system - design library support system - design-automation system - design-verification system - developement system - development support system - digital communication system - digital computing system - direct-current system - directly coupled system - discrete system - discrete-continuous system - disk operating system - display system - distributed database management system - distributed function system - distributed intelligence system - distributed parameter system - distributed system - distribution system - double intermediate tape system - down system - drafting system - dual system - dual-computer system - dual-processor system - duodecimal number system - duodecimal system - duotricenary number system - duotricenary system - duplexed computer system - duplex computer system - dyadic number system - dyadic system - dynamic mapping system - dynamic scene system - dynamic support system - electronic data processing system - electronic sorting system - encoding system - equipment adapted data system - erasing system - error-controlled system - error-correcting system - error-detecting system - executive file-control system - executive system - expert control system - expert support system - expert system - expert-planning system - externally pulsed system - fail-safe system - fail-soft system - fan-out system - fault-tolerant system - feasible system - federated system - feed system - feedback system - feedforward control system - fiche retrieval system - file control system - file system - fixed-lenght record system - fixed-point system - fixed-radix numeration system - floating-point system - fluid transport system - follow-up system - forgiving system - front-end system - generic expert system - geographically distributed system - goal-seeking system - good system - graceful degradation system - graphic data system - graphics display system - graphics system - help system - heterogeneous system - hexadecimal number system - hexadecimal system - homogeneous system - host system - host-satellite system - hostless system - human visual system - hunting system - imaging system - in-plant system - incremental system - independent system - indirectly coupled system - information handling system - information management system - information processing system - information storage and retrieval system - information retrieval system - information system - information-feedback system - input/output control system - instruction system - integrated system - intelligence system - interactive control system - interactive system - intercommunicating system - interlock system - internal number system - internal system - interrupt system - intrusion-detection system - isolated system - kernel system - key-to-disk/tape system - knowledge base management system - knowledge system - knowledge-based system - large-scale computing system - laser communication system - layered control system - level-signal system - lexicon-driven system - library reference system - local-network system - long-haul system - lumped-parameter system - machine tool control system - machine-limited system - machine-oriented programming system - macroinstruction system - macro system - magnetic memory system - magnetic recording system - magnetic tape plotting system - mail message system - mail system - mailbox system - man-machine system - management information system - map-reading system - mapping system - mass memory system - mass storage system - master/slave system - matrix memory system - memory driver system - memory system - message handling system - message system - microcomputer system - microfilm printing system - midsplit system - mixed-base numbering system - mixed-base number system - mixed-radix numeration system - model-based expert system - modular system - monitoring system - monitor system - mosaic system - multichannel system - multicomputer system - multidimensional system - multifrequency system - multilevel storage system - multiloop system - multimaster communication system - multimicroprocessor system - multiple computation system - multiple-bus system - multiple-coincident magnetic storage system - multiple-output control system - multiplex system - multiport system - multiprocessing system - multiprocessor system - multiprogramming computer system - multiprogramming system - multisite system - multispeaker system - multistable system - multitasking operating system - multiterminal system - multiuser operating system - multiuser computer system - multiuser system - multivariable system - multivariate system - negative-base number representation system - negative-base number system - network operating system - node-replicated system - noncomputerized system - nonconsistently based number system - nondegenerate system - number representation system - numbering system - number system - numeral system - numeration system - numerical system - octal number system - octal system - off-line system - office automation system - on-demand system - on-line system - one-level storage system - one-loop system - one-over-one address system - open-loop system - open-ended system - open system - operating system - operational system - optical memory system - overdetermined system - overload-hold system - page-on-demand system - panelboard system - paper-tape system - parameter-driven expert system - pattern recognition system - peek-a-boo system - peripheral system - pipeline system - polled system - polymorphic system - polyphase system - portable system - positional representation system - priority scheduling system - priority system - procedural expert system - process control system - processor-sharing system - production control system - production system - program system - programming system - protection system - pulse system - pulse-or-no-pulse system - pulse-signal system - punch card computer system - pure-binary numeration system - purposeful system - quadruplex system - question-answering system - queueing system - queue system - radix numbering system - radix number system - reactive system - reading system - real-time expert system - real-time operating system - real-time system - reasoning system - recognition system - recording system - recovery system - reduntant number system - reduntant system - reflected binary number system - reflected binary system - refreshment system - remote-access system - replicating system - representation system - request-repeat system - rerecording system - residue number system - residue system - resource-sharing system - restorable system - retrieval system - retrieval-only system - right-handed coordinate system - robotic system - robot system - rule-based expert system - rule-based system - scalable system - selection system - self-adapting system - self-adjusting system - self-aligning system - self-balancing system - self-check system - self-contained system - self-correcting system - self-descriptive system - self-learning system - self-organizing system - self-sustained oscillation system - self-test system - sensor-based system - sequential scheduling system - sexadecimal number system - sexadecimal system - shared-files system - shell expert system - silicon-development system - simplex system - single-drive system - single-inheritance system - single-phase clock system - single-site system - single-user computer system - skeletal expert system - slave system - soft-sectored disk system - software system - sound system - source code control system - source-destination system - space-division system - stabilizing system - stable system - stand-alone system - start-stop system - state-determined system - stepped start-stop system - stereo system - stochastically disturbed system - storage system - stripped-down expert system - subsplit system - switching system - symbolic assembly system - syntactical system - system explanation system - tabulating system - tape data processing system - tape drive system - tape handling system - tape operating system - tape plotting system - tape resident system - tape-oriented system - target system - taught system - telecommunictions system - telecontrol system - terminal system - ternary number system - ternary system - test system - testbed system - text-to-speech system - time-division system - time-pattern control system - time-shared system - time-shared-bus system - time-sharing system - timing system - total system - translating system - translation system - translator writing system - transmitting system - tree-structured system - trusted computer system - two-failure mode system - two-level return system - two-level system - two-phase clock system - ultrastable system - uninterruptible power system - uniprocessor system - unrestorable system - unstable system - up system - variable-lenght record system - virtual system - virtual-memory operating system - vision system - visual system - voice-response system - voice/audio processing system - volunteer system - weighted number system - weighted system - writing system - xerox copy system - zero-one system - system of logic - system of notation - system with delay - system with time lag

English-Russian dictionary of computers .      Англо-Русский словарь по компьютерам.