Meaning of SYSTEM in English


Pronunciation: ' sis-t ə m

Function: noun

Etymology: Late Latin systemat-, systema, from Greek syst ē mat-, syst ē ma, from synistanai to combine, from syn- + histanai to cause to stand ― more at STAND

Date: 1603

1 : a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole <a number system >: as a (1) : a group of interacting bodies under the influence of related forces <a gravitational system > (2) : an assemblage of substances that is in or tends to equilibrium <a thermodynamic system > b (1) : a group of body organs that together perform one or more vital functions <the digestive system > (2) : the body considered as a functional unit c : a group of related natural objects or forces <a river system > d : a group of devices or artificial objects or an organization forming a network especially for distributing something or serving a common purpose <a telephone system > <a heating system > <a highway system > <a computer system > e : a major division of rocks usually larger than a series and including all formed during a period or era f : a form of social, economic, or political organization or practice <the capitalist system >

2 : an organized set of doctrines, ideas, or principles usually intended to explain the arrangement or working of a systematic whole <the Newtonian system of mechanics>

3 a : an organized or established procedure <the touch system of typing> b : a manner of classifying, symbolizing, or schematizing <a taxonomic system > <the decimal system >

4 : harmonious arrangement or pattern : ORDER <bring system out of confusion ― Ellen Glasgow>

5 : an organized society or social situation regarded as stultifying or oppressive : ESTABLISHMENT 2 ― usually used with the

synonyms see METHOD

– sys · tem · less \ -l ə s \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.