transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈɪʃu: ]
n. & v. --n. 1 a a giving out or circulation of shares, notes, stamps, etc. b a quantity of coins, supplies, copies of a newspaper or book etc., circulated or put on sale at one time. c an item or amount given out or distributed. d each of a regular series of a magazine etc. (the May issue). 2 a an outgoing, an outflow. b a way out, an outlet esp. the place of the emergence of a stream etc. 3 a point in question; an important subject of debate or litigation. 4 a result; an outcome; a decision. 5 Law children, progeny (without male issue). 6 archaic a discharge of blood etc. --v. (issues, issued, issuing) 1 intr. (often foll. by out, forth) literary go or come out. 2 tr. a send forth; publish; put into circulation. b supply, esp. officially or authoritatively (foll. by to, with: issued passports to them; issued them with passports; issued orders to the staff). 3 intr. a (often foll. by from) be derived or result. b (foll. by in) end, result. 4 intr. (foll. by from) emerge from a condition. øat issue 1 under discussion; in dispute. 2 at variance. issue of fact (or law) a dispute at law when the significance of a fact or facts is denied or when the application of the law is contested. join (or take) issue identify an issue for argument (foll. by with, on). make an issue of make a fuss about; turn into a subject of contention. øøissuable adj. issuance n. issueless adj. issuer n. [ME f. OF ult. f. L exitus past part. of exire EXIT]