Synonyms and related words :
accomplishment, accord, activity, administer, affair, afford, airing, allot, allow, announce, answer, appear, argue, arise, artifact, ascertainment, at issue, attend, award, back number, bail out, bandying, basis, be born, be off, become, become manifest, become of, become public, become visible, bench mark, bestow, bestow on, bestrew, birth, bone of contention, book, brainchild, break, break cover, break forth, break out, break through, breakout, breed, bring out, broadcast, broadcasting, brood, bruiting, bruiting about, burden, burst forth, buzz about, by-product, campaign, cardinal point, case, catechism, cause, chapter, chief thing, child, children, circulate, circulation, circumfuse, clearing up, climax, coinage, collection, come, come about, come after, come forth, come forward, come in sight, come of, come out, come to be, come to hand, come to light, commitment, communicate, composition, concern, conclusion, concoction, confer, consequence, consequent, consummation, contend, controversy, copy, core, cornerstone, corollary, course, cracking, creation, creature, crisis, critical point, crop out, crop up, cross-interrogatory, cross-question, crowning achievement, crusade, crux, culmination, daughters, deal, deal out, debating point, debouch, debouchment, decipherment, declaration of policy, declare, decoding, deliver, deliverance, delivery, demand, demonetize, denouement, derivation, derivative, descendants, descent, determination, devaluate, devalue, develop, development, diffract, diffuse, diffusion, disagree, disburse, discharge, disembogue, disentanglement, dish out, dispense, disperse, displace, display, dispose, dispread, dispute, disseminate, dissemination, distillate, distillation, distribute, distribution, diverge, dole, dole out, donate, drive, ebb, edition, effect, efflux, effuse, egress, emanate, emanation, emerge, emergence, emersion, emission, emit, end, end product, end result, engrave, ensue, enter, erupt, escape, escapism, essence, essential, essential matter, evasion, event, eventuality, eventuate, eventuation, evulgation, exit, explanation, extend, extract, extrication, extrude, extrusion, fade in, faith, fall out, family, fan out, fare, feeler, fight, find vent, finding, finding-out, flight, float, flood, flotation, flow, flow back, flow in, flow out, flush, fly about, focus of attention, focus of interest, folks, follow, follow after, follow up, fork out, freeing, fruit, fundamental, get, get about, get abroad, get afloat, get around, get exposure, get off, get out, get to be, getaway, gift, gift with, gist, give, give forth, give freely, give off, give out, go about, go after, go forth, go public, go the rounds, grandchildren, grant, gravamen, great cause, great point, great-grandchildren, gush, hand out, handiwork, harvest, have currency, have origin, head, heading, heap, heart, hearth, heave in sight, hectograph, heirs, help to, high point, homefolks, hostages to fortune, house, household, impart, important thing, impress, impression, imprint, in dispute, inheritors, inquiry, interest, interpretation, interrogation, interrogative, interrogatory, invention, irrupt, issuance, issue forth, issue stock, issuing, jailbreak, jump out, kernel, keynote address, keynote speech, keystone, kids, landmark, lavish, leader, leading question, leak, leak out, leakage, legacy, let have, liberation, library, library edition, lifework, lineage, little ones, living issue, logical outcome, look forth, loom, main point, main thing, make, manufacture, mass movement, masterpiece, masterwork, material point, materialize, matter, matter in hand, measure out, meat, menage, mete, mete out, milestone, mimeograph, mintage, moot point, motif, motive, movement, multigraph, new generation, new mintage, nub, number, nut, offer, offshoot, offspring, ooze out, opera, oppose, opus, opuscule, originate, origination, outcome, outcrop, outflow, outgoing, outgrowth, outlet, outset, outstart, overprint, overscatter, oversow, overspread, overtake, pan out, parcel out, party platform, pass around, pay out, peep out, people, periodical, pith, pivot, plank, platform, point, point at issue, point in question, portion out, posterity, pour, precipitate, present, principle, print, printing, prisonbreak, problem, proceed, proclaim, proclamation, product, production, proffer, progeniture, progeny, program, promulgate, promulgation, proof, propagate, propagation, protrude, prove, prove to be, publication, publish, publishing, pull, pull a proof, put forth, put out, put to bed, put to press, query, question, question at issue, question mark, quodlibet, radiate, rain, real issue, rear its head, reason, reason for being, regurgitate, reissue, release, remonetize, render, replace, reprint, rescue, resolution, resolving, result, resultant, retail, revalue, riddance, riddling, rise, rising generation, rubric, run out, rush, salient point, sally, sally forth, scatter, school edition, scions, see the light, seed, send forth, sequel, sequela, sequence, sequent, series, serve, set, set forth, set forward, set off, set out, setting-free, shell out, show, show up, shower, sine qua non, slip, snow, solution, solving, sons, sorting out, sow, sow broadcast, splay, spoon out, spread, spread about, spread like wildfire, spread out, spreading, spreading abroad, spring, spring up, stamp, start, start off, start out, stem, stock issue, stream, stream forth, strew, strike, strike out, strike the eye, subject, subject matter, subject of thought, substance, substantive point, succeed, succession, supervene, surface, surfacing, surge, surge back, take birth, take exception, take issue, take rise, telecasting, tender, terminate, text, the bottom line, the point, theme, throw off, topic, track, trade book, trade edition, trail, treasures, trend, trial balloon, turn out, turn up, turning point, uncertain, unfold, unraveling, unresolved, unriddling, unscrambling, unsettled, unspinning, untangling, untwisting, unweaving, upshot, utter, vent, ventilation, version, vexed question, volume, vouchsafe, work, work out, working, working-out, yield, young, younglings, youngsters