transcription, транскрипция: [ rəust ]
v., adj., & n. --v. 1 tr. a cook (food, esp. meat) in an oven or by exposure to open heat. b heat (coffee beans) before grinding. 2 tr. heat (the ore of metal) in a furnace. 3 tr. a expose (a torture victim) to fire or great heat. b tr. & refl. expose (oneself or part of oneself) to warmth. 4 tr. criticize severely, denounce. 5 intr. undergo roasting. --attrib.adj. (of meat or a potato, chestnut, etc.) roasted. --n. 1 a roast meat. b a dish of this. c a piece of meat for roasting. 2 the process of roasting. 3 US a party where roasted food is eaten. [ME f. OF rost, rostir, f. Gmc]