Meaning of SHADE in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ʃeɪd ]

n. & v. --n. 1 comparative darkness (and usu. coolness) caused by shelter from direct light and heat. 2 a place or area sheltered from the sun. 3 a darker part of a picture etc. 4 a colour, esp. with regard to its depth or as distinguished from one nearly like it. 5 comparative obscurity. 6 a slight amount (am a shade better today). 7 a translucent cover for a lamp etc. 8 a screen excluding or moderating light. 9 an eye-shield. 10 (in pl.) esp. US colloq. sunglasses. 11 a slightly differing variety (all shades of opinion). 12 literary a a ghost. b (in pl.) Hades. 13 (in pl.; foll. by of) suggesting reminiscence or unfavourable comparison (shades of Dr Johnson!). --v. 1 tr. screen from light. 2 tr. cover, moderate, or exclude the light of. 3 tr. darken, esp. with parallel pencil lines to represent shadow etc. 4 intr. & tr. (often foll. by away, off, into) pass or change by degrees. øin the shade in comparative obscurity. øøshadeless adj. [OE sc(e)adu f. Gmc]

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