transcription, транскрипция: [ streɪt ]
adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 a extending uniformly in the same direction; without a curve or bend etc. b Geom. (of a line) lying on the shortest path between any two of its points. 2 successive, uninterrupted (three straight wins). 3 in proper order or place or condition; duly arranged; level, symmetrical (is the picture straight?; put things straight). 4 honest, candid; not evasive (a straight answer). 5 (of thinking etc.) logical, unemotional. 6 (of drama etc.) serious as opposed to popular or comic; employing the conventional techniques of its art form. 7 a unmodified. b (of a drink) undiluted. 8 colloq. (of music) classical. 9 colloq. a (of a person etc.) conventional or respectable. b heterosexual. 10 (of an arch) flat-topped. 11 (of a person's back) not bowed. 12 (of the hair) not curly or wavy. 13 (of a knee) not bent. 14 (of the legs) not bandy or knock-kneed. 15 (of a garment) not flared. 16 coming direct from its source. 17 (of an aim, look, blow, or course) going direct to the mark. --n. 1 the straight part of something, esp. the concluding stretch of a racecourse. 2 a straight condition. 3 a sequence of five cards in poker. 4 colloq. a conventional person; a heterosexual. --adv. 1 in a straight line; direct; without deviation or hesitation or circumlocution (came straight from Paris; I told them straight). 2 in the right direction, with a good aim (shoot straight). 3 correctly (can't see straight). 4 archaic at once or immediately. øgo straight live an honest life after being a criminal. the straight and narrow morally correct behaviour. straight angle an angle of 180(0). straight away at once; immediately. straight-bred not cross-bred. straight-cut (of tobacco) cut lengthwise into long silky fibres. straight-edge a bar with one edge accurately straight, used for testing. straight-eight 1 an internal-combustion engine with eight cylinders in line. 2 a vehicle having this. straight eye the ability to detect deviation from the straight. straight face an intentionally expressionless face, esp. avoiding a smile though amused. straight-faced having a straight face. straight fight Brit. Polit. a direct contest between two candidates. straight flush see FLUSH(3). straight from the shoulder 1 (of a blow) well delivered. 2 (of a verbal attack) frank or direct. straight man a comedian's stooge. straight off colloq. without hesitation, deliberation, etc. (cannot tell you straight off). straight-out US 1 uncompromising. 2 straightforward, genuine. straight razor US a cutthroat razor. øøstraightly adv. straightness n. [ME, past part. of STRETCH]