Meaning of STRAIGHT in English


1. straight lines or objects

2. travelling or moving in a straight line

3. sitting or standing straight

4. to become straight or make something straight




see also



1. straight lines or objects

▷ straight /streɪt/ [adjective]

straight lines, roads, edges etc have no bends or curves :

▪ First, draw two straight lines across the page using a ruler.

▪ Her hair is blonde and very straight.

▪ Anne loved Rome, with its open spaces and long straight avenues.

dead straight

especially British completely straight

▪ The road ran dead straight for 50 miles across the desert.

2. travelling or moving in a straight line

▷ straight /streɪt/ [adverb]

▪ Terry was so drunk he couldn’t walk straight.

straight ahead/down/towards etc

▪ If you look straight ahead, you’ll see the church in the distance.

▪ Jane was walking purposefully along the hall, straight towards us.

▷ go straight on British /go straight American /ˌgəʊ streɪt ˈɒn, gəʊ ˈstreɪt/ [verb phrase] spoken

to continue travelling ahead in the same direction as before, without turning left or right - use this when you are telling people which way to go :

▪ When you get to the intersection, go straight.

▪ Keep going straight on through the town and when you come to the school, turn left.

▷ in a straight line /ɪn ə ˌstreɪt ˈlaɪn/ [adverb]

if something moves in a straight line, it does not turn to the left or to the right :

▪ Light always travels in a straight line.

▪ It’s difficult to walk in a straight line with your eyes closed.

▷ direct /dɪˈrekt, dəˈrekt, ˌdaɪˈrekt◂/ [adjective]

going straight from one place to another without changing direction :

▪ Which is the most direct route to London from here?

▪ The Chin tracks in India follow the most direct line between villages, regardless of gradient.

▷ as the crow flies /əz ðə ˈkrəʊ ˌflaɪz/ [adverb]

following a straight line between two places - use this to say what is the shortest possible distance between them :

▪ The distance between the two towns is only 10 kilometres as the crow flies, but it can take up to 2 hours along the narrow coastal road.

3. sitting or standing straight

▷ upright /ˈʌp-raɪt/ [adverb]

sitting or standing with your back and neck straight, not bent :

▪ The roof of the cave was so low he couldn’t stand upright.

▪ Pulling herself upright on her walking frame, she moved across the room to the stairs.

bolt upright

with your back very straight

▪ There was a sudden noise outside and she sat bolt upright in bed.

upright [adjective]

▪ An upright posture in a chair or bed helps the patient to breathe more easily.

4. to become straight or make something straight

▷ straighten out /ˌstreɪtn ˈaʊt/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb]

to become straight or to make something straight :

▪ The road twisted and turned for a few miles and then straightened out again.

straighten out something

▪ He had straightened out all the paperclips on his desk, but had done no work.

straighten something out

▪ Gemma needed surgery to straighten her knee out.

▷ straighten /ˈstreɪtn/ [transitive verb]

to make something straight :

▪ The car’s in the garage having its front bumper straightened.

▪ Gradually straighten your legs until you are standing upright.

▷ straighten also straighten up /ˈstreɪtn, ˌstreɪtn ˈʌp/ [intransitive verb/intransitive phrasal verb]

to make your back straight when sitting or standing :

▪ Alan straightened in his chair.

▪ She straightened up as Melissa approached, pulling off her gardening gloves.

▷ sit up /ˌsɪt ˈʌp/ [intransitive phrasal verb]

to make your back straight when sitting :

▪ He sat up in his chair when I started talking about Chris.

sit up straight

▪ Sit up straight and put a cushion behind your lower back.

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