{v. phr.} 1. To not be at home or at one's place of work. * /I tried to call but they told me that Al was out./ 2. To be unacceptable; not be considered; impossible. * /I suggested that we hire more salespeople but the boss replied that such a move was positively out./ 3. To be poorer by; suffer a loss of. * /Unless more people came to the church picnic, we realized we would be out $500 at least./ 4. To be in circulation, in print, published. * /Jane said that her new novel won't be out for at least another month./ 5. A baseball term indicating that a player has been declared either unfit to continue or punished by withdrawing him. * /The spectators thought that John was safe at third base, but the umpire said he was out./
Meaning of BE OUT in English
Dictionary of English idioms . Словарь английских идиом. 2012