- Until; till. * /Up to her fourth birthday, the baby slept in a crib./ * /Up to now I always thought John was honest./ * /We went swimming up till breakfast time./ * /Up until last summer we always went to the beach for our vacation./ 5. Capable of; fit for; equal to; strong or well enough for. * /We chose Harry to be captain because we thought he was up to the job./ * /Mother is sick and not up to going out to the store./ 6. Doing or planning secretly; ready for mischief. * /What are you up to with the matches, John?/ * /Mrs. Watson was sure that the boys were up to no good, because they ran when they saw her coming./ 7. Facing as a duty; to be chosen or decided by; depending on. * /It's up to you to get to school on time./ * /I don't care when you cut the grass. When you do it is up to you./
Meaning of UP UNTIL in English
Dictionary of English idioms . Словарь английских идиом. 2012